Parliament is growing more and more active ; its vitality
is being restored by events. There have been two personal attacks, a large number of questions, assertions of independent views on minor Bills, legitimate concern about Press reports and a general view that some Ministers are becoming dis- respectful and dictatorial. This is part of the ordinary and proper function of Parliament. But of all forms of procedure personal attack is the least effective. Commander Bower has a case: there is anxiety about the Board of Admiralty and the slow promotion of brilliant officers, but the issue between the First Lord and Commander Bower did little to enlighten the real questions. Similarly there is a case against Captain Margesson, but the personal attack made by Mr. Vyvyan Adams would be more likely to entrench his position and endear him to the whole House. The Chief Whip is a strong personality and an efficient agent of any Prime Minister, but he is not necessarily the best choice for a broad non-party Government, in which rebels of previous regimes form the majority.