A Free French Victory
The capture of Libreville, the capital of the French colony of Gabon,,by General de Gaulle's forces has some military, and more political and psychological, importance. Gabon......
* * Mr. Butler Tried To Persuade The House Of
Commons to vote £2,500 to the British Association for International Under- standing. This excellent body, closely connected with the dis- tinguished name of Mr. G. M. Young......
Parliament Is Growing More And More Active ; Its Vitality
is being restored by events. There have been two personal attacks, a large number of questions, assertions of independent views on minor Bills, legitimate concern about Press......
A Short Debate On School Camps Was Attended By Less
than a score of members, there being no great personal questions in- volved. There are now thirty-one camps in existence. Until the whole conduct of these new educational......
Ge - :eral Hertzog And The Nationalists Gmeral Hertzog's...
party leadership after a stormy meeting of the Re-united Nationalist Party of the Free State at Bloemfontein closes a period of some fourteen months in which he was associated......
Subscription 305. A Year To Any Part Of The World
Postage on this issue: Inland lid., Foreign and Imperial rd., Canada ad.......
Is Vt Ar Production Behindhand ?
In asking for patience from those who wonder why we are not yet taking the offensive against the enemy Mr. Churchill reminded them hit Saturday that whilst the Germans have long......
The Week In Parliament
Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes: It would be diffi- cult to improve on the tribute passed by the Prime Minister to Mr. Neville Chamberlain. Mr. Ramsay MacDonald and Mr.......
The Spectator Will Publish Next Week A Christmas Literary...
in which, while not maintaining the scale of Christmas Numbers of pre-war years, we hope to include special articles by Sir Max Beerbohm, Lord Davil Cecil, Sir Alfred Zimmem and......