INQUEST ON THE PRESS SIR, —It is a remarkable thing that
no reference was made, in the recent debate on the appointment of a Royal Commission to enquire into news- paper proprietorship and management, to the Herald-Morrison case. A few months since The Daily Herald published a speech of Mr. Morrison's. He objected to the heading given to the speech, and wrote a strong letter of reproof to The Daily Herald. Most editors would have told him to mind his own business, but the editor of The Daily Herald was placed in the humiliating position of being compelled to put this stern reproof in the most prominent part of his paper. Happily for the independence of journalism, the Editorial Chapel cf The Daily Herald—most of whom one may presume to be Socialists—passed a strong resolution of protest against Mr. Morrison's unwarrantable interference with journalistic free- dom. So the politician who suppressed The Daily Worker, threatened The Daily Mirror and bullied The Daily Herald stands to-day as the
champion of Press freedc•m.—Yours truly, RADCLIFFE MARTIN. .tor Pepys Road, West Wimbledon, S.W.zo