The Cleverest Dog
It is an old question: which is the cleverest variety of dog. The poodle, the retriever, the Airedale, the St. Bernard, the Alsatian, to give a few examples, have their......
Herb Beer An Enquiry About A Recipe For The Old
country drink of yarrow beer has procured me an introduction to a most learned and suggestive little book, Cornish Recipes, issued by the Cornwall Federation of Women's......
Country Life
Is it an illustration of the intelligence of dogs that they give continual evidence of being troubled by a conscience? The other day in the Lake Country a sheep-dog bitch came......
Semitic Tongues And Revelation
Sia,—The remarkable article in your current issue entitled How Did Rome Happen.? suggested to me a new line of thought which seems not without a measure of importance. If the......
Sir, The Letters Of Mr. Williamson And Mr. Barlow On
the subject of first-class travel overlook an important distinction. Most people who journey between two points some considerable distance apart are forced to travel by train.......
In My Garden I Spent A Pleasant Half Hour Or
so last week in walking round the Botanic Gardens at Oxford. The most beautiful thing—apart from the trees—as it seemed to me, was a bush on the top of the rock-garden, but it......
The Sale Of Blue Books
SIR, —The difficulty in obtaining Government publications is not quite so great as is suggested in Janus's note in your last week's issue. The Stationery Office has bookshops of......
The Life Of Lord Montgomery
SIR, —All I need say in reply to Mr. Alan Moorehead's letter appearing in your issue of November 8th is this: Field Marshal Lord Montgomery was selected as G.O.C. 3rd Division,......
A Better Birth Certificate
Sire—Janus regrets that a child's birth certificate reveals whether he is legitimate or not, and states that no solution has yet been found. A solution of this matter occurs to......