SIR,—The difficulty in obtaining Government publications is not quite so great as is suggested in Janus's note in your last week's issue. The Stationery Office has bookshops of its own in Edinburgh, Manchester, Cardiff and Belfast, as well as in London, and it has an extensive trade with booksellers. Any good bookseller would order a copy of the Curtis Report for a customer if he has no copy in stock. The number and variety of official publications is so great that booksellers cannot stock a wide range, but arrangethents have been made with the principal book- sellers in a number of large towns to stock important new publications. Birmingham, Cambridge, Exeter, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Newcastle, Northampton and Oxford are at present covered, and the list is being extended to other towns. Details are given in the Stationery Office monthly catalogue.—Yours faithfully, H.M.S.O. W. Cox, Director of Publications.
[Janus writes: This is, of course, true, but psychologically there is all the difference in the world between seeing a publication available on the counter and knowing that you can order one if you want to.]