Stx,—Further to the recent jeremiad over lack of artists' materials,
may I be allowed to draw attention to another baffling anomaly? Now that the benefits of art therapy are being officially recognised by medical authorities in hospitals and sanatoria throughout the country, it is essential that the bed patient is provided with a simple standardised oil and water-colour outfit. For over a year I have been striving to obtain the necessary materials by enlisting the co-operation of artist-colourmen, a well-known firm of which write me that they have at last a model passed for such equipment, including a design for a bed-easel, but can get them made only if a guarantee is given that they are for export only! Cer- tainly Britain can make it—but may not enjoy or benefit by its labours.—
Yours, etc., ADRIAN HILL. Old Laundry Cottage, Midhurst, Sussex