" THE SPECTATOR" CROSSWORD No. 401 [A Book Token for
one guinea will be awarded to the sender of she first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, November 26th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word " Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below; and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner w it be published in the following issue.]
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/0 ACROSS . Was he entitled to go looking for trouble ? (6, 6.) so. Evidently these musicians don't play by heart. (9.) Ir. Boredom. (5.) 12. Feats of eating. (5.) r3. One goes to Mill Street to get this. (9.) 14. Those measureless to man interested Coleridge. (7.) 15. They succeed in remaining stationary in flight. (6.) 19. Purify. (6.) 21. It keeps its users in touch with litera- ture. (7.)
24. Scenes of change, movement and address. (9.)
26. Isn't a freebooter paid for these ?
29. An extract from " Tancred " or " Lothair." (5.)
29. Give the medico writing fluid and a sign of competence. (9.) 30. Tan gent's pale (anag.). (r2.) DOWN 2. " Oh, what a fall was there my countrymen," said the returned traveller. (7.) 3. What the even numbers do in relation to the odd. (2, 7.) 4. Men extend the holding to make an abode. (8.) 5. Result of wind among dead leaves. (6.)
6. Herb bennet. (5.)
7. Sailor not hairdresser's interest. (9.) 8. Husky badinage. (5.) 9. Varied. (7.) 16. Allegedly impervious to 8. (5, 4.) 17. Walmer is not found in these. (7.) 18. Not indulged in on salad days only. (8.)
20. The ruse of the crooked art-dealer, perhaps. (5, 2.)
22. " In spite of nature, of years, of country, -, every thing (Shake- speare). (6.) 23. No tea, Esther ? (5.) 25. The flower-girl. (5.) 27. What the huntsman must do before fox-hunting proper begins. (5.)