S ADISM ON TV SIR.—I was interested to read Peter Williams's
letter regarding that exhibition of sadism, viz, the recent flogging of Hawkeye on Commercial TV. .MY two children also witnessed this public flog- illog when they watched children's television after Corning home from Sunday School. I happened to come into the room just as Hawkeye's blood was beginning to flow! There were shrill cries of protest as I. advanced towards the set with the obvious in- tention of switching it off.
'Don't be si!ly, Daddy,' remonstrated Helen, aged six, 'they're only actors pretending!' 'That's not really blood,' said Peter, aged eight, 'it's probably just red paint !' 'Anyway,' said Helen, trying to comfort me, 'Hawkeye will win, you see, he's a good man, ,so he always does!' Could it be that babes and sucklings are perhaps more discerning in these matters than we sensitive
8 Wickham' Road, Croydon