Country Life
By IAN N1ALL DOES it rain more persistently because it is November and the leaves are falling faster? It seems to. The stream runs brown with all the soil scoured from its banks......
Lit - Rle Owi.s A Little Owl Has Just Flown Into The
branches of a tree across the road and there is, perhaps, nothing very noteworthy in that, for little owls are common enough here, and yet anyone living in the district......
A Mouse Dies
A friend was telling me the other day how a field- mouse in which he had taken a great interest finally met its end. The mouse lived in a crack in the stones of a wall and came......
By PHILIDOR No. 127. .1. AIZIKOVVICZ (Haifa, Israel) NV I HIE (6 men) WHITE to play and mate in two moves: solution next week. Solution to last week's problem by Morra: Kt-Q 4,......
New Novels
The Doctor's Signature. By Hamilton Johnston. (Gollancz, 13s. bd.) Hamilton Avenue. By Ronald Byron. (Constable, 15s.) Sharks and Little Fish. By WcIfgang Ott. (Hutchinson,......