1 Violet, thy mate's a jewel (8).
5 Those chaps at the Inns of Court are decidedly countyl- (6) 9 Measure of the chiropodist's advice (8).
10 Song about a seaman from a far country (6).
12 Stir up a bumper (5).
13 Not quite the coach for Cinderella, even if a stage one (5-4).
14 Theses cannot be changed into music, or can they? (12)
18 Whereby to get a make-up? (12)
21 Meet train where it is appropriate it should end (.9).
23 And that farthest bottle labelled (Brown- ing) (5).
24 very common style at the barber's (4.2).
25 Run gasping round the front at Folkestone, it's very nice! (8) 26 Chider makes a long-drawn-out affair (6).
27 Setbacks, encountered about their work by poets possibly? (8)
1 A noisy crossing is all I can manage (6).
2 Early travel book (6).
3 As luck will have it, it's often a cast-iron case! (9) 4 Affixed in a florid way no doubt to a famous • judgment (8, 4).
6 A step towards concord (5).
7 Bestiary (anag.) (8).
8 A gigman perhaps, setter of 13 perhaps! (8) 11 Unexpected preliminary to a policeman's change into civvies (3, 2, 3, 4).
15 Acquit, for no longer a single speed is necessary
• (9).
16 Does it mean that the snake was treated with whisky? (8) 17 Rome as it might appear (8).
19 'Comes the blind Fury with th' abhorred --'
• • (Milton) (6).
20 Stager's new role is not pleasing (6).
22 Antiseptic meeting of the goddess with the hero coming up (5).
Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Lose edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century DictiogarY and • book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened at noon on November 26 and addressed: Crossword No. 966, 99 Gower St., London, WC1
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.
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Solution on November 29 Solution to No. 964 on page 659 The winners of Crossword No. 964 arc: Miss Lucy STANTON. 32 Kenilworth Square. Dublin, and MRS. A. THYNNE, Penstowe, Cornwall.