DoasExsnirtn ELEc1'IoN.—The state of time poll on Thursday was as
follows : Ponsonby, 1,759 ; Ashley, 1,777 ; majority for Ashley, 18. The advance of Lord Ashley is attributed by the Tithes correspondent to a " hit" of cottagers, each holding about time eighth part of an acre of common, whose votes have been allowed by the assessor. There are yet 400 votes undecided before that officer. Both parties are sanguine of success; three more days will show on what grounds. Tun Thasinanust REFORIIERS AND THE Mooseens.—The subjoined communications from Lords John Russell and Althorp, have been re- ceived by Mr. Thomas Attwood. • FROM Loan USS a I beg to acknowledge with heartfelt gratitude time tmnmdescrvcd honour done me by 150,000 of my countrymen. " Our prospects are now obscured for a moment, and I trust only for a moment. nItatl isioiln.Lpossible that the whisper of faction should prevail against the voice of a Fr. ow LORD AI.TtIOR.P.
"I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter containing a vote of thanks to me from the great meeting at which you presided. The unanimous approbation of 1511,000 of my fellow-countrymen is no triding honour ; I itch sincerely thankful for it, and I beg to assure you, that it gives me time highest gratification.
• " The large majority by which the Bill lute been lust in the House of Lords is, I fear, a very serious calamity. It can only however, posti:one the success of our cause; but I beseech you i t ace all your hilineace, not merely to prevent any acts of open violence, but any such resistaoce Lt the law as is threatened by the refusal to pay taxes. Such a course as ibis is the cue least likely to promote our success."
STATE OF Tnene.—We regret to stem, that the stoppage of an emi- nent mercantile house in this town was announced yesterday oat 'Change. The debts are said to amount to about 5J,0001.—Hull Packet.
Trade in Paisley still continues to decline rapidly, and unless some speedy and unexpected change take plate-, there wilt be many hundreds of workmen idle in a few weeks._Getemic (home/c.
PRECAUTIONARY MEASU first division of the 47th Regiment, consisting of the flank companies, under the command of Major Sadler, marched on Tuesday for 01.1-tow; the second division, under the com- mand of Major Dundas, maelmed yes:el-day. The depot of the 93rd Regiment marches from Glaseow to Paisley-, there to be se:dolled with the depot of time 25th Foot. The deport of the 1st Royals marches from Glasgow to Perth, where it will be staiimmed along with the depot of time 71st Light Infantry. The Royal Artillery marched early this morning far Glasgow, and they were obliged to press horses to draw their ord- nance ; a circumstance that rarely occurs, except in countries which are the scene of war.—Caledonicue Mercury, Oct. 10.