15 OCTOBER 1831, page 22

The Fifty-third Part Of " The Complete Works Of Sir Joseu.1

Ray. Not.ns," engraved in mezzotint by S. W. Reyeemes, brings this great work near to its completion. It contains a sweet pretty "Portrait of Lord Burebersh" when a child ; the......

Fine Arts.

EMBELLISHMENTS OF THE ANNUALS. WHAT a singular lack of originality, barrenness of fancy, and poverty of invention, is evinced by John Bull in all that relates to the graces and......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

BIRTFIS. On the 11th inst. at Eaton Place, the Right Hon. Lady BYRON, of a son. On the Iota inst. at Pennington house, Lyinin4ton, the Lady of Capt. TEMPLE, ' of a sou. On the......

If The Author Of Sematology Will Favour Us With A

loan of a copy of his work, it shall be examined and noticed. The copy previously sent has been mislaid.......

The Army.

WAR OFFICE', Oct. 11.-401 Foot : 1). Howson, from the 47th Foot, tube Lt. vice Maly, who exchanges—kb Foot : Assist: Sur. J. Ferguson, M.D. from half-pay 27th Foot, to be......