The Fifty-third Part of " The Complete Works of Sir Joseu.1
Ray. Not.ns," engraved in mezzotint by S. W. Reyeemes, brings this great work near to its completion. It contains a sweet pretty "Portrait of Lord Burebersh" when a child ; the "Laughing Girl," who does tie t appear to be laughing, and the shade on whose face is too black ; Moses in the Bulrushes," not happy in the design ; "A Theatrical Juno," seven feet high ; an elaborately composed °: Portrait or the Honourable Mrs. Bons ;" and an :elected and imipid one of Mrs. Robinson (the Prince of Wales's mistress ?). The plates are executed in a style worthy of the originals, and the work is deserving of the patronage of every lover of
art, and of artists especially. Time faults and excellences of Sir Josnua will be a store of instruction.