The following Company's Ships for the ensuing season have been thus stationed : —The Asia, Bathie; and Sir David Scott, Ward ; for Bengal and China, to sail from the Downs 29th of Jail. 1832. The Orwell, Dalrymple ; and Duchess Athol', Daniell, for Bombay and China, ditto. The Marquis Camden, Larkins; for St. Helena, Bombay, and China, 12th of Feb. The Thomas Coutts, Cirrystie; and George the Fourth, Barrow ; for Bombay and China, ditto. The MiQueen, Lindsay; Dunira, Wilson ; and William Fairlie, Blair; fur Bengal and China, ditto. The Reliance, Timmins ; and Charles Grant, Manderson ; for Bengal and China, 13th of March. The Abercombie Robinson, Innes ; for Bombay and China, ditto. The Windsor, Proctor ; for St. Helena, Straits of Malacca, and China, 27th of March. The Canning, Baylis ; Berwickshire, Madden; Lord Lowther, Fuller; and Edin- burgh, Marshall; for China direct, 29th of April : and the Earl Balcarras, Brough- ton ; and London, Smith; for ditto on 27th of May.
Arrived. At Gravesend, the 11th, Hercules, Vaughan, from Bengal ; 12th, So- crates, Duncan, from the Cape ; 13th, Eclipse, Davies, from ditto ; and Orelia, Hudson, from Mauritius. In the Downs, the I3th, Hero, Fell, from Singapore. At Plymouth:, the 12th, his Majesty's ship Calcutta, from Madras. At Liver- pool, the 136, Sir John Rae Reid, Haig, front Bombay. At St. Helena, August 21st, the Edward Lambe, Freeman, from the Mauritius. At the Cape, July 23rd, Courier, Todd, from Liverpool ; 25tb, Diamond, Clark, from Lon- don ; and Helen, Tate, from ditto ; and Lady Gordon ; front Liverpool ; Aug. 4th, La Belle Alliance, Arkoll, from London ; 5th, Margaret, Taylor, from Liverpool. At Bombay, May 1st Claremont, from Glasgow; 3rd, Elizabeth, M'Alpin, from Greenock; 8th, Runymede, Waling, front London; 11th, Honourable Company's Ships, Buckinghamshire, and Marquis Huntley, from London. At Madras, May 11th, Honourable Company's Ship Thames, Forbes; and 21th Repulse, Gribble, from London; 30th, Georgians, Tullis, from Calcutta; and June 1st, Aurora, Owen, from London. At Bengal, May 1st, Bounty, Hall, from Liverpool; and 5th, Hero of illalown, from London. At the Mauritius, May 5th, Jane Young, Norris, from London ; and 24th, Doncaster, Surtlen, from London. At Batavia, May 26th, Ribble, Brockman ; 28th, Helen Mar, Sinclair; 29th, Batavia, Blair, all from London. At Anjeer, May 30th, London, Leeman, from London. Sailed— From Gravesend, the 8th, Fame, Heyes, from the Mauritius ; 12th, Wave, Lester, for New South Wales; and 14th, Pyramus, Wilson, for Van Diemen's Land.