Royal Family. Royal Family.
Duke of Sussex Duke of Cumberland Duke of Gloucester
Dukes. Dukes.
Brandon Beaufort Devonshire Buckingham Grafton Dorset Norfolk Leeds Richmond Manchester St. Albans Newcastle Rutland Wellington
. Marquises. Marquises.
Ailesbury Bath Bristol Bute Camden Cholmondeley Exeter Hertford Salisbury Thotnond
Earls. Earls.
Anglesey Cleveland Hastings Lansdowne ru vosherry Westmeath Westminster Winchester
Albemarle Abingdon Amherst Aylesford Camperdown Bathurst Carlisle Beauchamp Cawdor Beverley Charlemont Bradford Chichester Brownlow Clarendon Caledon Cornwallis Carnarvon CoWper Coventry Craven Dartmouth Denbigh Delawar Essex Digby Gosford Doncaster (Due- Grey cleugh) Hillsborough,Doven-Dudley Eldon shire Ilchester Enniskillen Lichfield Falmouth blanvers Glengall Minto Guilford Hardwicke Morley Harewood Mulgrave Munster Harrowby Onslow Home Oxford Howe Pomfret Jersey Radnor Limerick Romney Liverpool Suffolk Longford Thanet Lonsdale Mansfield Morton Mounteashel Norwich (Gordon) Orford Plymouth Pawls Powlett Rosslyn St. Germans Selkirk Shaftesbury Talbot Tankerville Vane (Londonderry) Vernlam Waltiegrave Warwick Westmorland Wicklow Wilton Winchilsea
Visenints. Viscounts.
Bolingbroke Arbuthnot Falkland Beresford Goderich Combermere Granville Doneraile Hood Gordon (Aberdeen) Leinster (Duke of Hereford Leinster) Lorton Maynard Melville Sidmouth Sydney
Barons. Barons. Alvanley Audley Barham
Abercrornby Arundel Bexley Bayning Arden Bolton Belhaven Boston Boyle (Cork) Carbery Breybrooke REFORMERS. ANTI.REFORMERS.
Barons. Barons.
Brougham Carteret Chaworth (Meath) Clanwilliam (Earl of Byron Clattbrassill(Roden) Clements (Leitrim) einnwilliam) Clifton (Darnley) Colville Clinton Cowley Clonettrry De Dunstanville Dacre Delarnere Downey (Donne) De Roos be Cliffind Douglas De Saumares Dufferin Moorhen Dynevor Donner Ellenborough Dover Farnborough Dude Fe versham Dunully Forbes Dundas Forester Dunmore (Earl of Gage (Visct. Gage) Dunmore) Gambier Fife (Earl of Fife) Grantham Fingall (Earl of Hay (Kiunoul) Fingall) Kerr Fisiterwick (Done- Lyndhurst gal) Manners Foley Maryborough Gardner Meldrum (Aboyne) Gower Melros (Badding- Holland ton) Howard de Walden Monson Howard of Effing- Montague ham Northwick Howden Penshurst (Strang- Kealis (Headfort) ford) Kilmarnock (Errol) Prudhoe King Ravensworth Lilfordi Redesdale Ludlow (Earl of Ribblesdale Ludlow) Rodney Lynedoch Rolle Lyttleton Saltoun Melbourne (Vist. Sheffield (Earl of Melbourne) Sheffield) Mendip (Carden) Skelmersdale Monteagle (Sligo) Southampton Montfort Stuart tie Rothsay 1 enterden Mostyn Napier Wallace Oakley Walsingham Wharncliffe Ormonde Willoughby de Panmure Broke Petre Wyuford Plunkett Poltimore Ponsonby of Imo- killy Ponsonby (Des- borough) Rosebery (Earl of Rosebery) 'Lassie (Kinnaird) Say and Sele Seaford Sefton (Earl of Sefton) Segrave Sherborne Somerhill (Clanri- carde) Stafford Stourton Suffield Sundridge (Argyll) Templemore Teynlatm Vernon Wellesley (Marquis Wellesley) Wenlock Willoughby of Eresby Yarborotigh
Bishops. Bishops.
Archbishop of Can- Chichester terbury Bath and Wells Bristol Exeter Gloucester Lichfield & Coventry Lincoln Llandaff Oxford Rochester Salisbury Winchester
Lord Kenyon
Lord Auckland