LAMMING and MILKS, Kingston-upon-Hull, mercers-E. and P. PAtrniES'MAN, Blanchester, rag-dealers-J. and W. Pertener and SMITH, Leeds and Pontefract, bankers ; as far as regards SMI ti-Tos.; wiLL and II rEso ovc, Exeter, grocers -Jox Es and Co. Southampton Street, Covent Garden, lace-manufacturers ; as far as regards TUTT-OWEN and loses,.1iacbynlIeth, Montgomeryshire, attornies-W. and J. Coors a, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, millwrights-W. and J. HORNE, Barbican, pal acts-Aim E rfroer and Co. Wolverha raptor', iron-founders-H. and F. SPA an o w and Co. Wolverhampton, merchants, Kingswinford, farmers, and Dud. ley, Worcestershire, bellows-makers-PITTAR and Co. John Street, Adelphi, and Calcutta, diamond-merchants ; as far as regards A. and J. PITTAR-MTALL and HYSLOP, Leicester, drapers-JONes and Hunnees, Liverpool, groce-sSALHONS anti BMaRstrAm., Salford. Lancashire, lathe-makers-FlTCm:w jun. and PAT- TEN, Somers Place West, New Road, pawnbrokers-Bo wenereee, Sox, and soN, Abingdon, Berkshire, bargeemasters-HAnDwieres and NELSON, Leeds, mercers ; as far as regards J. H. HARDWICES-RANDka.L and Sox, Maiden Lane, Battle Bridge, brickmakers-LIDDraaD and Sox, Golden Lane, Barbican, bricklayers-Braco and Snaw,Birmingharn, gun-makers-HILL and Sox, menu. faoturers of iron-HoLLINcw °Rya and GREEN, Summercoats, Derbyshire, grocers -Tuoxen. and Co. Manchester, corn-commission-agents; as far as regards J. TURNER jun.-SHEPPARD and Sox, Exmouth, Devonshire, glaziers-HALL and B. and J. P. Mumma., Edinburgh, brewers.
JONES, NEWTON, Bridge Road, Lambeth, agent for the sale of snuff and tobacco., and Drury Lane, lithographic-printer, Oct. 10. MANSFIELD, THOMAS, and HACKNEY, JAMES, COlridge, Staffordshire, and Bar- bican, earthenware-manufacturers, Oct. 8.
BAWDEN, RHIN, Chard, Somersetshire, merchant, to surrender Oct. 20, 21, Nov. 22: solicitors, Mr. Moseley, Bedford Street, Covent Garden; and Mr. Kingdon jun. Exeter. BURSTALL, SAMUEL and FRANCIS, Kingston-upon-Hull, merchants Oct. 13, 14, Nov. 22: solicitors, Messrs. \Valmsley and Co. Chancery Lane; and Aft.Dryden, Hull.
Buszn, THOMAS, London Street, Fenchurch Street, PE acussoN, HUGH, Euston Square, and lerNaUGHT, LIDO sm., London Street, Fenchurch Street, merchants, Oct. 14, 21, Nov. 22: solicitors, Messrs. Oliverson and Co. Frederick's Place, Old Jewry. CROWNSHAW, THOMAS, Sheffield and Masbrough, victualler, Oct. 26, 28. Nov. 22: solicitors, Mr. Rodgers, Devonshire Square, Bishopsgate Street ; and Messrs. Rodgers and Smith, Sheffield. Lev E n, To ()eras, King Street, Manchester-warehouseman, Oct. 18, 28, Nov. 22: solicitor, Mr. Neild, King Street, Cheapside. GIVEN, WILLIAM, St. Asaph, Pli/ILShire, grocer, Oct. 24, 25 Nov. 22: solicitors, Mr. Junes, Pump Court, 'Temple; and Mr. Humphreys, Rose hill, St. Asaph. PAIINALL, THOMAS, and PRANK, Joins, Clark's Place, Islington, linen-drapers, Oct. 18, 25, Nue. 22 : solicitors, Messrs. Hardwick and Guest, Lawrence Lane, Cheapside. Sxow, Toomes, New Street, Covent Garden, grocer, Oct. 18,21, Nov. 29: soli- citor, Mr. Fisher, Queen Street, Cheapside. WELSH, JOHN. Whitehaven, tallow-chandler, Oct. 19, 22, Nov. 22: solicitors, Mr. Falcon, Elm Court, Temple; and Mr. Hodgson, Whitehaven. WILKINSON, 13E RDOF., Hasketon, Suffolk, wine-merchant, Oct. 14, 25, Nov. 29 : solicitor, Dlr. Gadsden, Furnival's Inn, Holborn.
Nov. 2, Cuthbertson, Borough Road, linen-draper-Nov. 1, Garrett, High Street, Marylebone, victualler-Nov. 1, Ackroyd and Bowles, King Street, Long Acre, carpenters-Nov. 1, M. and J. Ansell, Berkeley Street, Lambeth Walk, dealers itt jewellery-Nov. 1, Armstrong, Castle Street, Leicester Square, oilman-Nov. 8, Fraser, Litnehouse, patent ship-hearth-manufacturer-Nov. 2, Gray, Prospect Row, Bermondsey, master-mariner-Nov. I, Metcalfe, Thirsk. Yorkshire, li nen.draper- Nov. 1, Berthon, Kingsland Road, coal-merchant-Nov. 1, 13eynon, Scarborough, Yorkshire, draper - Nov. 1, Hierons, Streatham, Sorry, coochmaster-Nor. I, Neale, Bennett Street, Blackfriars Road, bookseller-Nov. 3, Sir W. E Vont, Burt. and Co. Plymouth, bankers-Nov. 10, Payne and Co. Wells, Sotnersctshire, bankers -Nov. 5, Johnson, Leeds, licensed-victualler-Nov. 1, Hardwick and Brown, Leeds, bricklayers-Nov. 4, Addison, Dalton, Yorkshire, worsted-spinner-Dec. 2, Morris, Leamington Priors, Warwickshire, bookseller-Nov. 4. Bindley sea. Ashby- tie-la-ioucli, Leicestershire, glue-manufacturer - Nov. 7, Townend, Keighleni Yorkshire, corn-miller.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Noe. 1.
Botcherley, Holly Bush Place, Bethnal Green, dyer-Bevern, Henrietta Street, Westutineter, tailor-Pollard, High Street, Deptford, smack-owner-Francis, Heytesbury, Wiltshire, clothier-Blown, Dartford, grocer-Lewis, King's Road, Chelsea, builder - Woodhead, Salford, Lancashire, common-brewer - Simpson, Poulton, Wiltshire, baker-Wallace, Belfast, Ireland, merchant-Waterhouse jun.
Friday, October 14.
G. W. and E. HALL, King Street, Hammersmith, woollen-drapers-T. B. and J. H. WA LpEN, Bury Street, St. James's, coal-merchants-Ho LLO WAY and BR/ANT, Wapping, ship biscuit-bakers-LILLY and Cu. Liverpool, Madeira-wine-rner- chants-BitaaA and Co. Watling Street ; as far as regards R. BURRA sere- SCHOLFIELD and Co. Howden and Selby, Yorkshire, bankers ; as far as regards B. CLARKSON-ALBERT and Pr Le H E n, Clapham Row, Stockwell, tailors- VAL: x and KING, Ipswich, surgeons-Mon ars arid Co. Chepstow, Monmouthshire, and Here- ford, general-merchant;-K 'Non a. and Co. Warrington, Lancashire, iron-founders ; as far as-regards J. K :cot:a-HEATH and Sons, Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire, porter-merchants-BRA/Tit WAITE and Niel! o ris, Mary Street, llegeiit's Park, common-brewers; as far as regards B RA ere wAfTE-TliCKE a and A it No Bris- tol, general commission-agents-REDGATI; and Co. Old Swan Wharf, Upper Thames Street, merchants-Curie:a and WATSON, Narborough and Shipclhani, Norfolk, coal-merchants-13A LEY and Co. Manchester, dealers in calico prints-. SMITII and HALL, Blanchester, merchants-CaAaracc and Al.r.coctr, Hales- worth, Suffolk, attornies-SToenlie. and Co. Havana and Matanzas, Cuba ; as far as regards 13. Atm nos-E WAttus and R o v LE, Birmingham. engravers-BANNER.. MAN and Co. Aberdeen, cotton-manufacturers ; as far as regards T. BE sr -HALL and Tunes Lev, South Molitor Street, Grosvenor Square, cabinet-makers-Han- DEN and Co. Upper Thames Street, wholesale grocers ;as far as regards N. HanDser j u n.-K o u GII and CO. Merasheeu, Placentia Bay, Newfoundland.
MADDOCK, WILLIAM, Portsea, coal-merchant, Oct. 13.
Watmstmr, FRANCIS, Parliament Street, Westminster, lodging-house.keeper, from Oct. 18 to 28.
BOWER., GEORGE, Chipping Barnet, Hertfordshire, linen-draper, Oct. 21, 23, Nov. 25 : solicitors, Messrs. Mayhew, Johnston, and Mayhew, Carey Street, Lin- coln's Ian.
COATES, WILLIAM, St. Martin's Lane, Charing Cross, woollen-draper, Oct. 23, Nov. 4, 25 : solicitor, Mr. Cross, Surrey Street, Strand. DA %' i:x roar, THOMAS Derby, dealer, Nov. 1, 2, 25: solicitors, Mr. Smedley, Ely Place, Holborn; and Mr. Jess op, Derby. FORREST, Jon x, Bradford, Yorkshire, innkeeper, Oct. 26, 97, Nov. 25 :
Bin Beverley, Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn; and Sir. Sager, Kiritstall Bridge, near Leeds.
SPIER, JOHN, Berkeley, Gloucestershire, stine.merchant, Oct. 24, 25, Nov. 25: solicitors, Mr. Lewis, Field Court, Gray's Inn ; and Mr. Duberly, Dursley, Glouces- tershire.
TANNER, .Tosemr, Little Russell Street, Covert Garden, cordwahler' Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 25: solicitor, Mr. Platt. Church Court, Clement's Lane, Lombard Street. TA VI, Olt, JOSEPH FRANCIS, Cecil Street, Strand, wine-merchant, Oct. 25, Nov* 1, 25 : solicitors, Messrs. Hodgson and Burton, Salisbury Street, Strand. TAYLOR, GsoROE BOWES, Liverpool, linen-draper, Nov. 2, 4, : solicitors, Messrs. Adlington, Gregory, and Faulkner, Bedford Row; and Mr. Moss, Liver- poul. Tr imams rr, GEORGE, Bow Street, Covent Garden, coffee-house-keeper, Oct. 21, 28, Nov. 25: solicitor, Mr. Roberts, Milliner' Street, Bedford Row. UNDERWOOD, WILLIAM BOHERT, Conley Mills, Gloucestershire, wrought-iron- manufacturer, Oct. 21, 25, Nov. 25 : solicitors, Mr. White, Lincoln's Inn; and Messrs. Bevan and Britten, Small Street, Bristol.
WEsr„forre GILL, Forneett, St. Peter, Norfolk, shopkeeper, Oct. 29, 21, Nov. 25: solicitors, Mr. Austin, South Square, Gray's Inn ; and Messrs. Unthank, and Co. Norwich.
WILLIAMS, Jon x, Pontypool, Monmouthshire, shopkeeper, Oct. 24, 25, Nov. 25: solicitors, 11Ir. White, Lincoln's Inn; and Messrs. Bevan and Britten, Bristol. DIVIDENDS.
Nov. 11, Moody, Long Lane, Bermondsey, tanner-Nov. 4, Elliott, Goswell Road, wine-merchant-Nov. 8, Brown, Norwich, Laceman-Nov. 4, Stewart, North Bank, St. John's Wood, merchant-Nov. 8, Dodgson and Hartley, Cheapside, warehousemen-Nov.4, Packer, Newbury, Berkshire, carrier-Nov. 4, Polti, Bristol, carver and gilder-Nov. 4, W. W. and J. M. Dunn, Sambrook Court, 13asinghall Street, brokers-Nov. 22, Jones, Gutter Lane. warehouseman-Nov. 8, Roby, Tam- worth, Staffordshire, tanner-Nov. 8, Robbie, Manchester, wine-merchant-Nov. 12, Harris, Bristol, silk-mercer-Nov. 24, Robinson, Tenbury, Worcestershire, seri- vener-Nov. 8, Proudlove and Swift, Blackburn, Lancashire, calico-manufacturers -Nov. 5, Robinson and Clapham, Liverpool, merchants-Nov. 7, King, Ipswich, Suffolk, innkeeper.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Nov. 4. Nyren and Wilson, Battersea, colour-manufacturers--Hedge, Star Court, Little Comptun Street, Soho, builder-Chalk, Barking, Essex, corn-dealer-Cross, jun. Lambeth, timber-merchant-Izon, Handsworth, Staffordshire, merchant-Baylis, Leeds, commission-agent-Sleigh, Alpha Road, St. Marylebone, surgeon-De La- cour, London, diamond-merchant.
WGLASHAN, J.. Edinburgh, wine-merchant, Oct. 19, Nov.9. Sourrna and REID, Edinburgh, builders, Oct. 18, Nov. 1.