Satan Tues.
Wednes.1Thurs. Mon.
3 per Cent. Reduced
- - 781 fihSi 791 79 79U8ilik 3 per Cent. Consols
SO4 „„}k
801 80
811}79i0' Sul;I i I80i 1g k
Ditto for Account ... 81.11a80id 81/180793
7:1i7,80th 4
SO& 1 1 ;8911 Wd1 Si per Cent. Old .... - - SG 53 54
84 I le77 34 per Cent. New . . ... .
88ij 717,
87i83 75 51;1 sl ti 875'i i21','•87, 4' 4 per Cent... .......... . •
- - 9Z1 6 961- 19C:ti Bank Stock .. ... .. - - 11:1 189 I89 891 191
,,- - ing53-16 16 3-16a 114 i I ndia Bonds . par 3 2 dis 4 2 dis 2 dis 5 1 dis Exchequer Bills, WOOL
Ditto, 500:. ...... ...... S 10 B t; 4114 4 5
46 5 87 Ditto, Small .. ... ...... . . 8 10 8
5 7 4
4 11 5 13 S 8 7
Friday. 80k k
81/1„14 I
slaz gia.
191i 190 16I
3 2 Ells
8 7 9
7 9
Gold-Portugal, in Coin ... ....per oz 0/. Os. 04. - Foreign, in Bars 3 17 10k - Erie Doubloons 0 0 0.
Silver-In Bars, Standard 0 4 Di - New Dollars . 0 4 10 G RAIN.
MARX Love, Friday, October 14.
The arrival of ;rain in general this week is ox- ccedingly sloo t the trade, nevertheless, is dull, though ;vitt& little variation north not.. Wheat sells on hill its c.o...1 ienus, and Braley, Beans, and Peas, soppot 131 mutat 's prit, s ; whilst good iresh Oats from I lie shortness of the supply, meet rather better sale.
(Per Quarter.)
3. s
1Vbent,Red New 44 to 61 Mnble. 42 to 43 Fine 66 - Ott white 3G-40 White, Old .. 50 - G5 Boilers 44 -411
Fine - 70 Beans, Ticks 34 - 30 Super. - 75 - 7; Harrow 0-
Are. New ..... 30 - 3:1 Old 42 -45 Old - - Oats, Feed 21 -23 Basler, Stained 28-31 Fine 24 - Malting 30 - 44 Poland 23 - 23
Malt, Ordinary. 50 - 66 Fine 26 -27
Fine 60 - 72 Potato 28 - 20 Yeas, flog ...• 50 -42 Fine 30 -3l AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN, Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales, for the Week ending Oct. 7. • %S'beat cis. 04.I Rye 38s. 3d. Barley :et 2 Beans 40 9 Oats ...... .... 22 11 Peas 44 4 .Aggregate Average of the last Six Weeks, which regulates Duty.
Ni'lleat 62, 9d. I Rye 33s. 2.1.
Barley 36 3 Penns 40 11
0015 sa 11 Peas 43 5
Duty on FOREIGN CORN for the present Week.
'heat 24,04. I Rye ............128. Cut.
Barley 7 10Beans.... ... 5 6 I
Oats 12 3 Pe s 5 0
Town-mode per sack 513s. to 63,. Seconds 53 - 58
Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 50 - 53
Norfolk and Stockton ... 45 - 50 HAY AND STRAW. (Per load of 36 Trusses.)
line, Coarse Meadow 55s Os. eseful Ditto 58 - 75 .... 45 - 55 'Upland Ditto 60 - 84 - 75 Clover CO -100 .... 100 -110 Straw, Oat
Wheat 30 - 36 ..., 211 - 36 Poterstax MARICIrr. lVntoncuapst.
Meadow any 50 - 79 .... 60 - 00 Clover 80 -150 65 -12U Steam, Oat ...... 0 - 0 - -
Wheat 27 - 33 .... 30 - 34
Wall's End, best 29s. Od. to 350.04. Inferior 23 0 - 25 0 BUTCHER MEAT.
The :amply of Beasts to-day is greater than was expected by the salesmen, nod the disposal, though mot on loner tenns than on Monday, rather beavy. -Mutton is short, there being malt' 4730 Sheep in the Maria t. The priors of Monday are quickly maintained; and iu some few instances very ehoiee Downs ter have reached 51. 24.-Veal remains at 5s. for best Cadres; Cork also continues at 5s. for cusili Pigs..
Z.:RU.0AM & LRATEXITALL.. SMITHFIELD. f Beef .... 2,104. to 3s. Ss. Od .
Mutton .• 3 4 - 4 4 .... 3 6 - 0
Veal .. 3 4 - 4 U 3 - 5 0 Pork....4 4- 5 4....50-00 Lamb .. 4 0 - 5 0 .... 4 0 - 5 0
• By the Carcass, per stone of Blbs. Sinking the Wild, per stone of Efts.
Batten per lb. Is. OitLto Is. 105d. Congou, Common 2 li• - 2 2 - Middling 2 41 - Best 2 5 - 3 2 Souchong 3 0 - 4 4 Campoi, Common . ..... 0 0 - 0 0 Twankay it 11 - 2 2 - Fine 2 9 - 3 I Mayon, Skin 2 2i - 3 4 - Common 3 it - 3 11 - Fine 4 6 5 6 Duties on Teas below 2s. 96 per Cent.
ahoy e 2s. 100 ----
Jamaica, Triage . ....per cwt. 651.0d. to 74s. we.
- Ordinary 74 0 75 0 ••.-.. Good.. ' 76 0 - 77 0
• -• 51tildling 113 U - 06 0 - Fine 96 0 - 100 0
podia .. 67 0 - 175 0 Duty not included.
SUGARS. Duty included.
Mimeos:Ides, Broan, per cut... 44s. 64. to 465. Od.
- Mutate: 47 0 - 49 0
- Good ..... 50 0 - 54 0 - Fine 55 0 - 57 '0
Nateritius 42 0 - 54 0 Molasses ... 23 0 Duty not included. East India, Brown 0 0 - 0 0 - White 20 0 - 20 0 FRUIT.
Raisins, Stilton., per et. Os. to Os... 700. to Os. - Smyrna, Black. 0 - 0 .. 34 - 0 ....• Muscatels...... 0 - 0 ..115 -140 - Bloom 0 - 0 .. 75 - 0 Currants 0 - 0 .. tti - 70 Figs, Turkey 0 •-• 0 .. 44 - 50 French Plums ...... 0 - 0 .. 0 - 0 - Imperials 0 - 0 .. 71 - 75
,s- Prunes 0 -. 0• 0 - 0
Almonds, Jordan 121.. 12s. 1.81. - Valentin 515 0 TOBACCO.
Segars, in bond ...... lb. 5s. OIL to 13s. 04.
II•tvantials Leaf 1 9 3 6 St. Domingo Maryland, Light Brown 0 5 - 0 7 Virginian, Fine Black ...... 0 54 - 0 Kentucky Leaf, 5h:tented 0 31 - 0 5 WINES.
Port, filth per pipe 401. to 301. Ne, 23 - 26 Li.d.on 20 - 28 litteellas 30 34 Mountain, Good ... 25 40 - Cargo 17 - 18
Coleave'l. 30 - 35
Teneriife, Good 0 - It -- Cargo 11 - 12 Madeira, Direct 0 - 0 London Particular SU 55 West India 24 SU East India 314 95 Spanish Red per tun 14 - 16 Sherry, Good ...1 er butt 25 - 78 - 0 Claret, Good per WM. 20 - 50 Cargo 4 5 French White, Good 30 32
Cargo 4 -- 5 Duties on French Wines 7s. 3d.
Denies on Cape Wines 2 0 }per Imp. Gallon. Dutieson another Wines 4 10 SPIRITS.
Genera, Hollands ..per gallon 28. 6d. to 2s. 74. Brandy, Cogniac, lot quality .. 4 4 - 4 6
2nd quality., 3 6 - 0 0 3rd quality .. 3 4 - 0 0
Duty 26,.6d. per Imp. Gallon. Rum, Lecwards, U.P.per gallon 1 41 - 1 5
- Demerara strong 1 6 - 1 7 - Jamaica, 22 to 25, 0.1' 2 2 - 2 4 so, 0.1• 3 4 - 3 6 Doty 8,6th-increase tw per strength.
The 41h. Loaf 1018. Butter, Cork per cwt. 94s. to 90s. - Carlow .. 96 Sta
Cheese, Cheshire 40 70
Gloucester, Single 30 46 -- Double. GO 06 Bacon, Midd 40 46 - Singed 42 -- 50 Beef, India, New per tierce 51128.04 - Prime Sloss 4 15 0
Pork, India 6 7 6
- Prime .... per barrel 3 7 6 - Second Quality 3 0 0 BUTTER.
Beet Fresh, 13s. (61. to -s. per doz.
New Potatoes (Ware) El. 50. to 31. 10s. per ton.
Kent Packets....... per cwt. 31. 16s. to 71. 78. Sussex Pockets 4 4 - 5 2 Essex 16tekets 4 4 - 6 6
Farnham Fine 9 0 - 10 19 - Seeontbs 0 0 Et 0
Kent Bags ........ 3 10 - 5 10
Sussex Bags 4 0 - 4 10 Essex Bags 4 0 - 5 5
Caraway continues in demand : samples of Ca- nary come in bad condition ; in Coriander little or no oltenttion.
3. dr. S. d.
T.eonesst 2 o to 3 0 Saxon Elee.4 6 to 7 0 Segovia .. 2 0 - 2 4 Ditto 1. 3 3 - 4 10 Soria 1 - 2 0 Ditto 2. 2 3- 2 9 Portngal . 1 0- I 4 Do.l.oeks 1 3- 3 3
Ans:mn . 2 9 - 6 6 Doi. e, 3 - 3 6
French ... 1 0- 3 ll D.Lambs 1 - 4 6
Dilly Id. per lb. above 15.--i.l. below.
Batts, English Crop ....per lb Foreign Calf Skins, 36 to 40Ib.. per doz Ditto 50 to 70Ih. ........
Small Seals, Greenland Large Ditto English I lorse Bides.- per lb Spanish Ditto
5,4d. to Is. 0,1. 3 -- 1 7 3 - 1 El 9 - 1 II 8 - I 81 2 - I 4 0 - 1 5 It - 1 10 SHEEP SKINS.
Lamb Skins Os. Ocr.- Os. OIL
Polled 2 0 - 2 8 Don. 1 6 - 2 0 RAW HIDES.
Best Heifers and Steers, per stone 2s. Bd. to 31. Od.
Middlings 2 2 - 2 6
Ordinary........... 1 8 - 2 0
Market Calf each 6 0 - 0 0 TALLOW, SOAP, 3:c.
s. d.
Candles ...per doz. U 0
Inferior ...... 7 0 .Matilda........... 9 G n Tan.. p.cst.46 0 Yell. or Russia.... 41 0 'Shire 42 0 a. d.
Soap Tallow 40 0 Melting Sttlf 34 0
Ditto Rough 22 0 Yellow Soap (52 0
Mottled 60 0 Curd 72 0 OILS.
Rape Oil, Brown ................per ton 35f. Gs.
Refined 37 0 Linseed 24 10
Rape Cake . 0 6 Linseed Oil Cake nt the Ali:I....per 1000 11 11
Iron, in Bars per ton. W. 5s. 01. Os. Od.
- Pizs 4 15 0 - 5 0 0
- I loops .... 9 10 0 - 0 0 0 Steel 30 0 0 - 0 0 0 Tins, in Bars 3 18 0 - 0 0 0 Ingots 3 17 0 - 0 0 It Blocks 3 16 0 - 0 0 0 Quicksilver........per lb 0 1 1 If - 0 0 0
Copper, in Sheets 0 0 10 --0 0 0
- Cake per ton 85 0 0- 0 0 0 Lead, Pig 13 10 0 - 0 0 0 - Alilled or Sheet .. 14 10 0 - 0 0 0 - Bars 14 0 0 - 0 0 0