The journals both of France and Germany are much pre-
occupied with M. Gambetta. It is (*stain that that statesman disappeared from Paris for some days, and that he visited Germany, and it is asserted that he went to stay with Vrinc,e- Bismarck at Varzin. The Times' correspondent in Paris, in a very singular communication, in which his own personality is a little too prominent, asserts that Prince Bismarck desired this interview in 1878, and wished him to be intermediary. He consented, but finally thought it better to suppress the invita- tion. The journey is, of course, most roundly denied. by M. Gambetta's intimates ; but as secrecy was essential to the visit, and as they admit that he was in Germany, and-as they invent rather absurd reasons for his visit, we should say the balance- of probability was in favour of the interview. M. Gambetta about to accept power would make some sacrifice for a " frank ' talk with the German Chancellor, who, for his part, desires to. see, and if possible overawe, all the important men in Europe.