15 OCTOBER 1881, page 2

It Is Affirmed That M. Gambetta, On Thursday, Held A

conver- sation of two hours with M. Grevy, and that the latter finally summoned him to power. M. Gambetta accepted, stipulating that he should choose his own Cabinet; but......

The Journals Both Of France And Germany Are Much Pre-

occupied with M. Gambetta. It is (*stain that that statesman disappeared from Paris for some days, and that he visited Germany, and it is asserted that he went to stay with......

The Journals This Week Have Been Loaded Down With Speeches.

Mr. Gladstone delivered two at Leeds on Friday se'nnight, and two. more on Saturday, and a fifth and sixth on Thursday at the Guildhall, all of the first class, as full of......

Lord Salisbury Delivered His First Speech At Newcastle On...

pouring oat the assertions -noted elsewhere—asser- tions markesIthroughaut by the Ad Beaeonsfieldian contempt for facts—but on Wednesday, atter another string of statements, he......

The French Have Taken Another Great Step Towards The-...

of Tanis. The Generals represented that it was impossible to leave that city ungarrisoned while they marched into the interior, as it was full of disaffected Arabs, who might,......

That Concurrence Of Circumstance With Policy Which We...

begins to attend this Government. Ayoub Khan, the Afghan Pretender, has at length been totally defeated, has lost Herat, and has fled for refuge into Persia. A. telegram from......

We Have Said Enough Of Mr. Gladstone's Speeches In Leeds

elsewhere, and have only here to notice that in the Guildhall he took occasion to repeat strongly that one of the first necessities of politics was to restore to Parliament its......