The Everlasting Animals, and other Stories. By Edith Jennings. Pictures
by Stuart Bevan. (Duckworth and Co.)—This is a good specimen of a child's book. The stories are brightly written, with plenty of conversations in them, and the print is clear. There is a friendly goblin in one of them who tells Jane how to get inside a book, an accomplishment that other people might be glad of sometimes. Mr. Bevan's full-page pictures are quaint and their colour is good.
Five volumes of "Illustrated Guide Books" (Ward, Lock, and Co.) may be mentioned together. These are d Popular and Pic- torial Guide to Landon ; Scarborough ; Penzance, St. Ives, cfre. ; Scottish Highlands and Islands ; Bournemouth and the New Forest.
The Expository Times, edited by James Hastings, M.A., D.D. (T. and T. Clark), must be so well known to our readers that it is needless to do more than record the appearance of the annual volume (October, 1897—September, 1898).
NEW EDITIONS.—Hellenica : Essays on Greek Poetry, Philosophy, History, and Religion. Edited by Evelyn Abbott, M.A. (Long- mans and Co.)—Bismarck's Table Talk. Edited by Charles Lowe, AI. A. (Grevel and Co.) —Described as "The Story of his Life told in his own Words."—Prince Bismarck. By same author. (W. H. Allen and Co.)—A volume in the "Statesmen's Series."— Biographical Stories. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. (Swan Sonnen- schein and Co.)—Saunterings in Florence. (T. Fisher Unwin.)— In "Artistic and Practical Handbook for English and American Tourists."—The Aide-de-Camp. By James Grant. (G. Routledge and Sons.)—The first volume of a new edition of James Grant's novels.—The Starling. By Norman Macleod. (Burnet and Isbister.)—The Fortune of the Rougons. By Emile Zola. Edited by Ernest Alfred Vizetelly. (Chatto and Windus.)—A Daughter of Seth. By William Black. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.)—An Ocean Free Lance, by W. Clark Russell (same publishers), and The Emigrant Ship (same author and publishers). —The Modern Angler. By "Otter." (L. Upcott Gill.)— School Geography. By James Clyde, MA. (Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh.)—Handbook for Gas Engineers and Managers. By Thomas Newbigging. (W. Sing )—Of volumes of the " guide - book " class we have received The London Year Book (Grosvenor Press), Obietal Guide to Greenore, Carlingford, 4.c., and the Boyne Valley (Ward, Lock, and Co.)