15 OCTOBER 1898, page 2

The French Have Achieved An Important Success In West Africa

which will greatly soothe their irritable pride. They have defeated Samory and captured him, with the whole of his chiefs and personal following. For fifteen years this chief,......

As The Result Of The Vote Of Want Of Confidence

in the Cape Ministry carried by a majority of two votes-39 to 37—in the House of Assembly on Tuesday, Sir J. Gordon Sprigg and his colleagues have resigned, and Sir Alfred......

The German Emperor And Empress Started For Palestine From...

on Tuesday night, travelling via Vienna to. Venice, and accompanied by an immense suite. The Vossische Zeitung deprecates the use of the term "crusade" in connec- tion with the......

The Earlier Portion Of Lord Rosebery's Speech, After Some...

persiflage on the products of Epsom, was devoted to the position of agriculture. The Hon. C. R. Spencer once created great amusement by stating that he was not an agri- cultural......

The News From Pekin Is Hardly Intelligible. The Emperor Is

not dead, but the Dowager-Empress now signs decrees in her own name, and it is stated that at a recent sitting of the Council an heir to the throne was deliberately and finally......

The Cretan Affair Advances Reluctantly, But It Does...

Sultan retreats slowly, but he retreats ; and his last request to keep a fortress or two has now been decisively refused. If he will not withdraw his soldiers, he is told, they......

The Latest Report From Paris Is That The Strike Of

workmen which during part of the week threw forty thousand men into the streets, though not over, is dying away. The original strikers, who were employed on works for the coming......

Lord Salisbury Has Selected Mr. St. John Brodrick, Now...

for War, to succeed Mr. Curzon at the Foreign Office. It was probably the best appointment in his power to make. Mr. Brodrick is a man of great industry, with full comprehension......

The Accounts Of The German "colony" At Kiao-chow Are Almost

comic in their revelations of incompetence. The authorities there think that the ideal is to reproduce Berlin. and the colonists are placed under the most rigid police control.......