The German ill-fortune in South Africa seems to be persistent.
The Witbois, a Hottentot tribe, represented as well armed and mounted, and to a certain extent trained by German officers, are now, like the Hereros, in insurrection ; and the Bastards, a tribe of half-castes, it is expected will be. The native population, in fact, does not take to its German rulers, and it will be necessary to send some ten thousand troops to restore their ascendency. That number will probably be obtained, for, though they must all be volun- teers, there are always in so vast an Army as the German thousands of men to whom any change from barrack life is welcome, and who hope that in another land they may have better chances. The expense, however, will be considerable, and it must be voted by a Parliament in which a considerable party holds that the colonies are only burdens upon the national strength and resources. The Germans, unlike the French, have no Foreign Legion of turbulent daredevils.