The German Ill-fortune In South Africa Seems To Be...
The Witbois, a Hottentot tribe, represented as well armed and mounted, and to a certain extent trained by German officers, are now, like the Hereros, in insurrection ; and the......
The Morning Post Of Wednesday Contained The Announce-...
the office of High Commissioner for South Africa will be vacant at no distant date, through the resignation of Lord Milner. According to the Morning Post, Lord Milner has for......
It Is Equivalent To The Total Suppression Of Their Favourite
amusement. It is only on Sunday that the lower classes are at liberty, and that the gate-money, as we should call it here, is sufficient to defray the salaries of the swordsmen,......
The General Meeting Of The British South Africa Company Was
held at Cannon Street Hotel on Monday. At the first, or ordinary, meeting, the Duke of Abercorn, who presided, made a long statement as to the condition and prospects of......
M. Bourgeois, Formerly Premier, Has Addressed To A Con-...
of the Radical and Radical-Socialist parties in France, now sitting at Toulouse, a letter of some importance. Though a man of exceedingly moderate opinions—we should in England......
The Times Correspondent At Vienna States, Upon What He...
sufficient authority, that the real object for which Signor Giolitti, the Italian Premier, was invited to Homburg by Count von Billow was to arrange for a rapprochement between......
After The Directors Had Been Duly Re-elected, An...
meeting was held to consider a resolution for the increase of the capital to 26,000,000 by the creation of 1,000,000 new shares at 21 each. The president explained that, after......
The German Emperor Has Found It Necessary To Give "an
authentic explanation" of his Lippe-Detmold telegram, which has apparently aroused great anger in all the minor States of the Empire. Count von Billow has accordingly published......