Diderot's Thoughts on Heart and Style. Selected and Translated by
Beatrix L. Tollemache. (Rivingtons. 3s. 6d.)—This is a second edition, with a new appendix, containing an interesting passage from the "Memoirs of the Princess Dashkoff," who made the acquaintance of Diderot in 1770, and recorded a highly character- istic conversation which she had with him. He has something of a bad name among us, an atheistical writer who prepared the way for the French Revolution and its horrors. In " Chalmers" he is described as an "unprincipled sophist." And he had very grievous faults. Nevertheless, this book of extracts from his writings, which are about as miscellaneous a collection as exists, skilfully presented as they are by Mrs. Lionel Tollemache, is well worth reading.