[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read,and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space.] THE WOMAN'S ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. [To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR "]
Sts,—May I draw your attention to the Woman's Roosevelt Memorial Association, of which I have been requested, and have undertaken, to fork the British branch? This branch aims at giving an opportunity not only to Americans in Great Britain but also to all friends and admirers of Theodore Roosevelt to share in the work of perpetuating his memory by assisting to buy and equip the house in New York where he was born, in order that a School of Civics shall be established there where his teaching in the duties of citizenship and his ideals of public service may be fostered and continued. It is known that this memorial would be in close accordance with Mr. Roosevelt's own wishes. On Thursday next, October 20th, I am giving a reception at Admiralty House in connexion with the world-wide Roosevelt birthday celebration, at which I hope many of the guests will feel inclined to join the Association. I have the less hesitation in asking you to draw the attention of your readers to this project as you have been kind enough to allow our honorary secretary the use of the Spectator office as the office of the British branch of the Association.—I am, Sir, &c., RUTH LEE OF EAREH431.
Admiralty House, Whitehall, S.W.
[It is with very great pleasure that we publish Lady Lee's letter. We have dealt with the subject in detail in another column, but must say here also how delighted we are to know that Theodore Roosevelt is to receive a memorial so appropriate and at the hands of his eountry-women.—En. Spectator.).