TWO EGOISTS-t Miss Srxci..tre and the writer whom we delight to name " Elizabeth " have chosen for their new novels an identical theme treated with a difference. Miss Sinclair's......
Scienc,e Progress, Edited By Sir Ronald Ross (murray, 6s....
is a quarterly of great value to students of natural science. The compact statements of " Recent Advances in Science" are especially useful. Among the articles in the October......
The October Number Of History, The Admirable Quarterly...
the Historical Association (Macmillan, 2s. net), contains several of the papers read before the Anglo-American Historical Conference in July and a notable lecture by Miss......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this column doer not necessarily preclude subsequent review.) The London Mercury for October has a long and lively poem, in free verse, by Mr. J. C. Squire on " The......
Poets And Poetry.
THE FORMATION OF TENNYSON'S STYLE.* As Professor Pyre remarks in his introductory note, Tennyson is a poet whose works afford a particularly profitable subject for technical......
Readable Novels.—dark Side Out. By Eleanor Acland....
7s. 6d. not.)—An interesting book, embracing the story of four generations of a North Country mill-owning family. It is a case of " the sins of the fathers," but the fourth......