The October number of History, the admirable quarterly journal of
the Historical Association (Macmillan, 2s. net), contains several of the papers read before the Anglo-American Historical Conference in July and a notable lecture by Miss Jeffries Davis on " London and its Records." Mr. Herbert Fisher, in opening the Conference, contrasted the historical textbooks, used in too many American schools, which give a partial and misleading account of the causes of the revolt of the American colonies with the ordinary textbooks used in English schools which are strongly biased against George III. and his Ministers and represent the colonists in a most favourable light. Mr. Fisher remarked with truth that " our young people
grow up singularly free from any hostile bias derived from the literature which they are called upon to consume." Long may it be so ! But we may fairly hope that other nations, and especi- ally our good friends the Americans, will follow our example. Germany is paying the penalty for the evil passions deliberately fostered by two generations of schoolmasters with their text- books.