The American Senate on Monday passed, by 37 votes to
27, a Bill to exempt from tolls American coasting vessels which passed through the Panama CanaL Senator Lodge warmly opposed the Bill, on the ground that it openly conflicted with the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty of 1901, which provides for the use of the canal on equal terms by vessels of all nations. Congress passed a similar Bill in 1912, but was persuaded by President Wilson to repeal it in 1914, much to the joy and relief of Mr. Page, who was then the American Ambassador in London. There is no need as yet to assume that the present Bill will be passed by the House of Representatives or signed by the President. We shall continue to believe that America will observe her treaty engagements in the letter and in the spirit. Whether the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty should be modified is, of course, another question.