Stn—There is ignorance, if not cant, in the remarks of
your correspondent "Fair Play " on the " little bandsman." The rest of the Sabbath is not wasted by those who have good wages and easy work to the same extent that it is by hard- worked labourers in town and country. Occupation of an innocent nature is a blessing, instead of a violation of humanity, to a person in the circumstances of the "little bandsman." Every one must know this who has taken any note of the actions of the younger part of the population on Sundays. I have several eons myself ; and if I had one who had to get Lis livelihood in the way this "little bandsman " has, I should be too thankful that he had some occupation on those days to keep him from that greatest' of' all contaminators—idleness. It should be remembered too, that an week-days his work does not approach to the bard and wearing character of that of so many of our poorer classes. No! let the bands, according to a suggestion of another of your correspondents, play the music of Handel and Beethoven, Mendelssedin and Mozart, to which our common people all listen with pleasure, and they will in their generation be doing nothing but good, to themselves possibly, certainly to others. J. B.