The Emperor Of The French, With Much Military Display And
ceremo. monis' observance, attended at the " Te Denm' at Notre Dame on Thursday. The streets were lined with National Guards. A grand military escort preceded and followed the......
The Russian Officers On Parole At Lewes Have Lately Been
subject to insult- ing annoyances from low persons. One of these, John Sales, recently met Michelle Cerigo and M. Cochemoff, and, running round them once or twice, called out "......
The Testimonial To Mr. Roebuck, Commenced At Sheffield,...
a wider range. The subscribers to the fund do not belong to one political party. Two letters published this morning show Lord Palmerston and Sir John Pakington in the list of......
The British Association Opened Its Business In The...
when several interesting papers were read : among others, by Sir David Brewster, on the "radiant spectrum " ; by Dr. Shaw, on African explo- rations; by Dr. Dickie, on the......
In Sending The List Of Casualties To The Newspapers, Lord
Panmure men- tioned that mistakes had occurred in the list of wounded officers in the course of transmission by telegraph. An examination of the list, however, shows that these......
Telegraphic Messages Of Some Interest Are Published This...
" Dantsie, _Friday, Sept. 14, 1 p. m.—The Driver has arrived. The French and English gun-boats are preparing to go home. The block-ships are expected to follow next Monday." "......
The Independante Beige Publishes What Purports To Be An...
of the substance of the last circular of Count Nesseirode to the Russian Minister at Vienna, dated so far back as the 16th June. The gist of it is that the Emperor of Russia......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCRANOR, FRIDAY AFTER/400g. The value of Government Securities is not always the index to public opinion on the fulfilment of some great event ; and a declining market......