The Russian officers on parole at Lewes have lately been
subject to insult- ing annoyances from low persons. One of these, John Sales, recently met Michelle Cerigo and M. Cochemoff, and, running round them once or twice, called out " Rooshians! Rooshiana!" At last ho hustled Cerigo, who pushed him away ; Sales then squared at the Russian, who replied by using his stick; upon which Sales threw a stone. The police were called ; Sales was given in charge ; and a prosecution was instituted before the Magistrates, by the authorities of the War Prison. The Magistrates retired for delibera- tion, and on their return, the Chairman, addressing the defendant, said —" We are unanimously of opinion that you are guilty of this assault; and the sentence is that you pay the coats, 12s., and 8s. fine, making 1/. We all think it right to state thus publicly, that the Russian officers must be protected from insult. They are not here of their own free will ; they are prisoners on parole, bound to be here, and are amenable to our law for their conduct. The Magistrates therefore feel that they ought to be pro- tected. We believe you have not done this out of any malicious intention, but out of pure thoughtless wantonness. The complainant, not understand- ing our language, did not know what you meant. Let this be a caution to you." The defendant asked for time, and a fortnight was allowed; in de- fault of payment then, a fortnight's hard labour. [Sales intimated that he had summoned the complainant to the County Court for striking hire with the stick.]