Telegraphic messages of some interest are published this morning.
" Dantsie, _Friday, Sept. 14, 1 p. m.—The Driver has arrived. The French and English gun-boats are preparing to go home. The block-ships are expected to follow next Monday." " Vienna, Friday _Evening, Sept. 14.—Advises from Trebizonde of the 30th August state that Erzeroum has provisions for two months. The pro- bability is that Kars is as well provided." " Trieste, Sept. 13.—Letters from Trebizond, of the 30th, state that Omar Pasha is expected there with 30,000 men to make a diversion on Kutais and Tiflis. Kars is still invested. General Williams sends reassuring despatches." "Berlin, Thursday.—The late commander of the second corps d'armee, General Paniutine, has been definitively appointed Commander-in-chief of the Army of the Centre at Kief." " Copenhagen, Sept. 11.—The Landithing has adopted by a great ma- jority, after a first reading, the proposition relative to the carrying out the constitution of August 29." The Invalide Busse reports that Genitchi was cannonaded by enemy's slips several times between the 15th and 22d August, and that an attempt by a steamer to pass the strait had been repulsed.