15 SEPTEMBER 1855, Page 9

The Independante Beige publishes what purports to be an account

of the substance of the last circular of Count Nesseirode to the Russian Minister at Vienna, dated so far back as the 16th June. The gist of it is that the Emperor of Russia concurs with Count Buol, that the Conferences of Vienna were broken up in consequence of the " hostile dispositions," the "impla- cableness," of England and France ; that a conciliatory disposition on the part of Russia would only increase the exactions of the Allies; and that the moment for renewing negotiations will be when " all the belligerent Powers will meet equally disposed to come to a serious and loyal under- standing." With regard to the four guarantees, they still remain the basis for a peace ; Russia guaranteeing the first two so long as Germany takes no part in the war, but seeing " difficulties " in the fourth. Russia meanwhile " approves " of the determination of the Emperor of Austria to suffer no provocation to involve him in war with Russia.

The correspondent of the Augsburg Gazette, who writes from the Rus- sian frontier, and treats of military affairs, estimates that at the beginning of the present month Prince Gortschakoff had at his disposal 130,000 regular infantry and 13,000 cavalry, besides a further force of 36,000 men, composed of the drushines of the levy en masse, the Tchernomora and other corps of rifles, the Sappers, crews of the ships, the Greek vo- lunteer battalions, &c., making in all an army of 179,000 men. From this total, however, are to be deducted the men lost at the Tchernaya, and by ordinary siege casualties during the month of August, and the sick; losses to be made good, it is said, by grenadiers stationed at Pere- kop.

For some time past, the confiscations of the property of Polish emi- grants to the profit of the Russian treasury have become more and more frequent. Letters from Warsaw state that by this redoublement of severity it is hoped to prevent the desertion of the conscripts. The pre- parations for the new levy have been going on since the middle of last month.