15 SEPTEMBER 1855, Page 7

A Cabinet Council sat two hours on Monday afternoon at

the Foreign Office. It was attended by Lord Palmerston, the Lord Chancellor, the Duke of Argyll, Sir George Grey, the Earl of Clarendon, Sir William Molesworth, Lord Panmure, Sir Charles Wood, and Lord Canning.

A second Cabinet Council was held on Wednesday, and sat three hours. The Ministers present were—Lord Palmerston, the Lord Chan- cellor, Sir George Grey, the Earl of Clarendon, Sir William Molesworth, Lord Panmure, Mr. Vernon Smith, and Lord Canning.

The Earl of Ellesmere is to be the Lord-lieutenant of Lancashire in the room of the late Earl of Sefton.

The Duke of Cambridge is on a visit to the Duke of Hamilton, at Bro. derick Castle, Isle of Arran.

The Duke of Somerset has arrived in town from a cruise in the Baltic. He was unable to attend the obsequies of his father, not having received in. telligence of the late Duke's demise until he reached the North coast of Scot- land.

Mr. Hincks, the new Governor of Barbados, is merely a settler in Canada, and is really an Irishman—the son of the Reverend Dr. Hincks, of Cork.

A very pretty anecdote is going the rounds of fashionable society in Paris. I give it as I heard it, without being able to assert its correctness. The Empress said to the Prince of Wales, " I should like to give, you something before you leave Paris—can you think what it shall be ? " " A looking- glass," replied the Prince. "And why a looking-glass ?" exclaimed the Empress. "Because ," rejoined the Prince, " I should know it had reflected yourself; and I should prize it accordingly."—Morning Post Correspondent.

The Prince of Prussia is on a visit to Brussels. lie stays at the Prussian Legation, but King Leopold fetes him.

Marshal Radetzsky has celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his promotion to the rank of General. He is eighty-nine years of age, and has served seventy-one. But he is not the oldest General in Europe : the French General Des- peaux, now in his ninety-fourth year, has been a General for sixty-one years.

The late Mr. Abbott Lawrence has bequeathed 130,000 dollars for educa- tional and benevolent purposes.

The Duke of Northumberland has been expending the enormous sum of 50,0001. a year in rebuilding cottages, farm-houses, and buildings, and in draining lands, on his vast estates in Northumberland, to say nothing of the splendid improvements going on in the stately castles of Alnwick and Wark- worth.

A screw-steamer, the Pearl, was launched at Woolwich on Thursday. Her length "over all" is 224 feet, her tonnage 1463, and she will carry 21 guns.

Placards posted at the Horse Guards announce that.an extra allowance of sixpence a day is to be paid to every soldier on actual field service, from the 1st of last July. The bounty to recruits is now—for the Royal Artillery, 15/. ; Cavalry, 10/. ; Guards, 9/. ; Infantry of the Line, 81. ; and Land Transport Corps, 51.

The Lords of the Admiralty left London on Tuesday to "inspect" the naval establishments of Plymouth and Devonport.

The Queen has sanctioned. the alteration of the appellation of "Foreign Legion " to that of the "British German Legion," as a proper compliment to the discipline and efficiency of the Shorncliffe force.

Mr. Prince's breech-loading rifle has been put to a novel test, at Hornsey. It was loaded and capped, then sunk in a pond, and covered with sand and mud ; when taken out, the charge exploded as readily as if it had not been under water.

It is stated that Mr. James C. Thompson, an American, has received an offer to assume the chief-engineership of the Russian navy for three years, at a salary of 6000 dollars per annum; in consequence of the resignation of Mr. Chambers, a Scotehman, who had held that post for the past eighteen years.

A French paper states that a great number of railway-carriages are build- ing at Hamburg for the Russian Government. They are of iron, and are much longer and wider than those used in Germany ; each to contain front seventy to eighty passengers. They are constructed on the American plan; are entered at the end ; and can be united so that the passengers can pass from one to the other whilst the train is in movement.

There are many bankruptcies in St. Petersburg—twenty in one day. But, according to the Government, the State financial establishments—savings- banks, institutions of credit, and so on—are in a very flourishing condition.

One Julius Crelecki, a Russian Commissariat officer, has "bolted" from Simpheropol with 150,000 silver roubles, and a false passport. He is adver- tised in the Silesian Hue and Cry.

The submarine cable to connect Newfoundland and Cape Breton has been lost while it was being deposited in the ocean, forty miles from land. Par- ticulars unknown.

It is considered a proof that the Italian vintage has not been bad, this season, that the price of wine has fallen 50 per cent in Turin.

The last advices from Adelaide, South Australia, give some particulars of the progress of the efforts to develop the navigation of the river Murray. The waters had risen sufficiently for practical purposes, and the Murray River Navigation Company were about to raise subscriptions for a general extension of operations. At present their fleet consisted of thirteen vessels, comprising four steamers of between 40 and 50 horse-power, eight barges of from 120 to 150 tone burden, and a schooner of 100 tons. A railway was also contemplated to connect the Murray with the city and port of Adelaide, about forty miles in length, two-thirds of which will be upon a dead leveL "A Victorian Colonist" informs the Times that the oircumstantial story about Mr. Croons's dismissal from office by Governor Hotham for impugning the quality of his beer is a clever pasquinade. There is ne such person as "Mr. Croons "—no " Government contractors." The writer states that the cause of this attack on Sir Charles Hotham was his substituting "bad beer for good champagne" at the ball to celebrate the Queen's birthday; and some official was dismissed, apparently, for not admiring the Governor's parsimony. We remark that the Melbourne newspapers are parading the fact that Sir Charles Hotham's salary and allowances are no less, under a new regulation, than 13,0001. a year.

A curious trial has taken place before the Tribunal of Correctional Polies at Brussels. Mr. John Ashwell, Sir William Maguey, and Mr. John Mae- terman Directors of the Luxembourg Railway, were accused of swindling the shareholders. Mr. Anhwell alone surrendered to be tried : the ether gentlemen were tried "by default." The alleged offences were, misappro- priating thousands of shares and a sum of 35,750 francs which had been in- trusted to the accused for "secret purposes,"—that is, to bribe people to support the claims of the railway ; these shares and money, it was said, had been nearly all retained by the accused for their own use, and they had re- ceived interest on the shares ; the cash and shares were mentioned in the books as disposed of for "purchases of land," or for "engineering and law expenses." In his defence, Mr. Ashwell avowed that he had employed most of the shares in bribes, retaining some for future use ; he mentioned some people he had bribed ; he received the interest for the behoof of these worthy folks. The money he had partly spent for the Company ; the balance he had returned to the cashier. Lastly, he showed that all that he had done had been approved of by the Directors, and sanctioned by:the shareholders at their general meeting ; also, that when complaints had been made by some of the shareholders, a special committee was appointed to examine into the whole matter, and that it had approved of what had been done. On behalf of Sir Wil- liam Ifagnay and Mr. Masterman no defence whatever was offered. In the course of the proceedings, it was stated that what the defendants were ac- cused of doing was constantly done in England,—namely, on the formation of a railway company, to distribute shares or money amongst the owners of land through which the line is to pass, and to persons who might be in a position in any way to promote its interests ; and it was added, that the cost of such distribution was always entered in the accounts as " Parliamentary expenses." The Tribunal decided, that as the acts of Mr. Ashwell which were complained of took place more than three years ago, they were covered by prescription, and that the complaint against Sir William Magnav and Mr. Masterman was not sufficiently proved. It consequently dismissed the complaint.

The prevailing crime throughout California is homicide, either in the shape of wilful murder, manslaughter, or deaths caused by hitting the wrong men ! Few assassins are punished.

A wholesale railway slaughter has occurred on the New York and Phila- delphia Railroad. Twenty-three persons were killed, and seventy wounded Among the killed was Baron de St. Andre, French Consul at Philadelphia.

An accident occurred on the Paris and Versailles Railway on Sunday, sur- passing in slaughter our own Reading manufacture. Two trains, one laden with passengers, returning from Versailles, the other loaded with luggage, going out of Paris, dashed together near the Paris station. The consequence was, that at least nine persons, including five children, were killed, and seventeen persona badly wounded. The legs of two young girls, sisters, were cut clean off ; and the body of a man was found with both lege cut off, and a child stifled by the death-embrace in his arms. An inquiry has been instituted.

Result of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last.

Ten Weeks 0(1813.'34. 'Week of 1835.

Zymotic Diseases 741.1 ,,„,. 292 Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat . 39.4 ...„ 69 Tubercular Diseases 179.2 „... 189 Diseases of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nerves, and Senses 108.6 .... 106 Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels 29.2 „,., 90 Diseases of the Lungs, and of the other Organs of ReloiratIon 79.7 .... 98 Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion 66.2 ..., 68 Diseases of the Kidneys, &c.

Childbirth, diseases of the titerns &c. 5.2

Rheumatism, diseases of the Bones, Joints, &c. 7.6

Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, &c. 1.8

Malformations 4.5

Premature Birth 23.1



Age 38.2

Sudden 7.5

Ylolenee,Prlvation, Cold, and Inteikielance


Total (Including unspecified causes) 1417.4


Cholera has broken out with great violence St Pampeluna : in other parts of Spain it is on the decline.

It is said that there is an " arsenical spring" in El Dorado county, Cali- fornia; the water from which is supposed to have caused much sickness and death among the miners. The spring comes from a bed of arsenic contain- ing gold.

Last week, Isaac Plumb, now in his hundredth year, walked half a mile to see his son reaping on the farm of Mr. III urfit, of Outwell ; when the sight of the crops made age relax, and the youth of a hundred harvests, with a sharp hook, began reaping, in a style so neat and easy that all who saw him said " Well done !" He was born in the adjoining parish of Upwell, but has lived in Outwell eight years, and been a very hard-working man : he always rose early, and rises now at six o'clock in the morning. One day last week a letter passed through the Hereford Post-office with the following singular address—" For that girl I don't no her name they call the galoper' and lives somewhere in Boway lane Hereford Hereford- shire. Shurs don't give this to any girl but that girl." The letter reached its destination—the fair one for whom it was intended being known by this sobriquet to the Police.

A female pedestrian, Miss Isabella Melrose, completed last week at Neath the extraordinary feat of walking 500 half-miles in 500 half-hours and 500 quarter-miles in 500 quarter-hours. The event came off upon the green near the railway-station, in the presence of a large number of persons.

The Yankees have at length caught the great water-serpent—according to the Buffalo Daily Republic. The monster was harpooned in Silver Lake, dragged ashore, and secured by ropes, yet remaining in the water : he was occasionally lively at the last despatches. He is sixty feet long, six feet in


CRYSTAL PALACE.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday September 14th, including season-ticket-holders, 43,630.

at the middle ; is " disgusting" in appearance, and causes ladies to