Lord and Lady Palmerston visited Melbourne on Thursday ; and
the good folks of that town, apparently stanch admirers of the owner of Mel- bourne Hall, not only escorted him thither, but thought proper to present him with a congratulatory address. This they did yesterday morning, at Melbourne Hall, where the Premier was the guest of his tenant Mr.. Briscoe. In reply, Lord Palmerston paid compliments to the people of Melbourne and to his host; and, descanting on the war, the difficulties that beset the Allies at its opening, the sufferings of the army, and other matters, "all set right within the last few months," he proceeded- " Well, we have now a great triumph. (Loud cheers.) We have struck a mortal blow at an enemy whose aggressive policy threatened the whole world, and particularly the interests of this country. Sebastopol has suc- cumbed to the valour of the Allies, and right has thus far triumphed over wrong. It cannot be expected that great struggles can be carried on without great loss on both sides. We have sustained great leases ; but it is a conso- lation to those who have lost relatives and friends in this contest, in support of liberty against despotism, that their names will be enrolled in the annals of fame, and will be associated with the imperishable glories of their coun- try. (Much cheering.) But great as our losses are, lamentable as all feel them to be, we know that the losses of the enemy are infinitely greater ; and, though the war has been undoubtedly attended with losses and priva- tions on our part, if we give credit to the information derived from various sources, we have the satisfaction of knowing that those losses and those priva- tions are surpassed in magnitude by those against whom we are patriotically contending. (Loud cheers.) And now, one word with regard to the future. Final success must attend our arms. (Cheering.) Our security for that arises in the undaunted valour of our troops and those of our Allies. We have a security also in the good faith of the Emperor of the French, who is with us heart and soul in this contest. (Loud cheers.) We have an additional security in the alliance of the kingdom of Sardinia; which is not so greats territorially, as either France or England, yet history reminds us that small states have played an important stake in the world, and have exercised no inconsiderable influence on its destinies. We remember the important part played by Holland, by Venice, by Genoa—smaller states terri- torially than the kingdom of Sardiniaand, therefore, not despising the lessons of history, but, on the other hand, taking courage from. the fact of this Sardinian alliance, we say that, while the compact is highly honourable to Sardinia, it is of this additional importance, that it has formed itself into a league against tyranny." (Cheers.) With this prospect before us, " it is impossible to believe that the war can be brought to any other conclusion than that which will secure to Europe safety against the future aggressions of Russia,—a peace that shall not only be honourable and satisfactory to the Allies, but which shall redound to the honour and the interests of the country, and justify the great sacrifices by which such a. peace shall have been attained." (Much cheering.)
The company broke up cheering for Lady Palmerston, and for Mr. and Mrs. Briscoe.