' At home, public life is looking up in the Agricultural
counties. The 'prospects oft the harvest grow brighter, and the county Members make good-humoured speeches. Mr. Nowdegate frater- nizes with Mr. Hardy and Mr. Roebuck, and grows' olequent on the propriety of doing justice to the Roman Catholics. Mr. Henley takes a sunshiny view of things in general with a caution not to spoil them by headlong haste ía reforms. Lord Lyttelton promotes competitive examination, and the good work of spread- ing education among the poor. Lord Stanley, diverging from his old topics, comes out as a stout Volunteer, and gives sea-
sible advice on the subject of shooting-matches, -wbichrbe would have as common in the country as cricket. The Volunteers are in full swing. Berkshire has had her gallant companies re- viewed in Windsor Park, as a climax to a rifle match where prizes abounded. We are promised a great review at York, and inspections are things of every-day appearance.