In The Midst Of These Italian Commotions, It Is Natural
to ask, what is Austria doing ? Austria is doing nothing, for aU that appears on the surface. But there are curious rumours afloabof a, resuscitation of the old alliance between......
The Dictator Is Firmly Established At Naples ; He Has
ref. modelled the Ministry ; he has handed over the fleet to the - Sar cliniaA Admiral Persauo ; his faithful brigades and commanders are once more around him ; he has taken......
News Of The Week.
THEE advent of Garibaldi at Naples has been rivalled by a more portentous incident—the invasion of the States of the Church by - Victor Emmanuel, followed swiftly by the......
' At Home, Public Life Is Looking Up In The Agricultural
counties. The ' prospects of t the harvest grow brighter, and the county Members make good-humoured speeches. Mr. Nowdegate frater- nizes with Mr. Hardy and Mr. Roebuck, and......