THEE advent of Garibaldi at Naples has been rivalled by a more portentous incident—the invasion of the States of the Church by -Victor Emmanuel, followed swiftly by the withdrawal of M. de Talleyrand, the French Minister, from Turin.
Many people think that the secret history of the transaction is not coincident with the public history ; for ourselves we cannot pretend to see deeper into a millstone than our neighbours. The public facts are very lucid. It has been long known that the people of Umbria and the Marches only awaited the arrival of Garibaldi at Naples to manifest their disaffection openly, and that handied.s of " Volunteers" were on the alert to enter the States ot the Church, and give the signal by their presence. It was for the purpose of coercing his subjects that the Pope called in Lamoriciere, and raised legions of foreign troops in Germany, Belgium, and Ireland. But these troops proved unequal to the task imposed upon them. Their presence on the frontiers of Tuscany and the Amilio, attractea strong bodies of Piedmontese soldiers, and- these in turn by their presence gave heart and hope to the misruled people. Garibaldi landed on the mainland, and the monarchy of Naples crumbled into dust. The popu- lation of the States of the Church responded to the outburst. Foreseeing what would happen, King Victor Emmanuel sent an ultimatum to the Roman Court, demanding the disbandment of the foreign legions. Whether he waited for an answer does not appear, but he was prepared to act on an anticipated refusal. Scenting the danger, the French semi-official press solemnly warned the King not to cross the frontier, but for some cause which posterity may learn, the King did not heed them. A de- putation from the Marches went to Turin, soliciting protection from ruffians who, at Fossombrone, had rivalled their fellows at Perugia. The King accorded the protection sought, and ordered his generals to cross the frontier. At the same time he issued an address to his soldiers, prescribing the limits of their task—the delivery of Italy from the foreign bands under Lamoriciere, the restoration of order, the establishment of a state of things that would enable the people to give an expression of their wishes, with the object of preserving Europe from the oontinual dangers of revolution and war. At the same time, he explained that his troops "would not fight against the armies of any of the Powers," that "the seat of the Chief of the Church" would be respected, and that he was ready "in accordance with allies and friendly Powers" to give that Chief guarantees of independence and security. Forthwith General Cialdini moved down the coast road by the Adriatic—he has already taken Pesaro, Urbino, and Fano—and General Fond, crossing the frontier at Citta di Cas- tello, moved into the valley of the Tiber, where he will find Orvieto has been won for him from the Germans. General La- morieiere is understood to have collected 8000 men, and to have posted them behind the entrenchments he has thrown up at An- cona.
The next facts in the series are an interview at Nice between Count Cavour and the Emperor Napoleon, and the withdrawal of the French Minister from Turin ; whose preseace there, according tithe Moniteur, is incompatible with "the facts which have just been accomplished in Italy." The Patrie, at the same time, labours to show that the King of Piedmont has on several oc-- casions acted in defiance of the advice of the Emperor, and de- TOPICS OP THE DAT— cures that this last act of disobedience, "regarded in France and throughout Europe as a violation of the law of nations," remains entirely at the charge of the state which committed it. " The Emperor's government," adds the Petrie, " after having vainly tried to prevent it, highly disapproves of it, and—the arms of France will continue to protect at Rome the person and the au- thority of the Sovereign Pontiff:" This is very " strong- language "; but it must not be too heavily weighted with in- terpretations. The Emperor, by publicly withdrawing his Minister, has entered his protest, and has gone onward to Cor- sica and Algiers. Is it likely, under these circumstances, that France will be called upon to Co more—at least if Austria does not intervene ? There is a tone in the address of Victor Em- manuel to his soldiers that does not agree very well with the supposition that any serious rupture has taken place between thy Emperor and the King.
As we have slid, -the Emperor continues his tour. He hast visited-Avignon,,Marseilles, Toulon, Nice and has departed for Corsica. • At a Marseilles banquet, he Nice,
a:, speech, which
breathe_d- of peace in language of poetic fervour.. France, in- different 'to envious murmurs, has nothing todo but develop her resources in peace, and Europe is invited to go to the Phoecoan city on the Mediterranean and bury in its waters the jealousies of another age. Surely, we may accept the Marseilles speech as a proof that no new war is brewing, and that, like France; Italy- is about to obtain that peace whicklitlie EmPeror • desires • sifw should obtain, as us has said, " no•anatter how," provided it' be olotiined. " without foreign intervention.".