15 SEPTEMBER 1860, Page 1

The Dictator is firmly established at Naples ; he has

ref. modelled the Ministry ; he has handed over the fleet to the-Sar cliniaA Admiral Persauo ; his faithful brigades and commanders are once more around him ; he has taken possession-of the forts ; all in the name of Victor Emmanuel. He has conversed with the Marquis of Villamarina ; and it is reported that •Sardinian troops have landed at Naples, a *significant fact if it be true. The representatives of the Powers, on land, have mostly followed the Xing, Mr. Elliott and Baron Brenier not being among them ; but the representatives of the Powers in the bay have taken the Dictatorship for 'granted, and one of them, Admiral Mundy, formerly at Palermo on a similar occasion, has called upon Gari- baldi. People are still astonished at the swiftness and complete- ness of the fall of the King, who is now said to be on his way to Seville, abandoned by all.