The Italian question marches. The Noniteur of yesterday prominently made a statement which has given wings to political speculation, and has led to extreme interpretations. It is as follows-
" In presence of the facts which have just been accomplished in Italy the Emperor has resolved that his Minister shall immediately quit Turin. A Secretary will remain there teeconduct the business of the Legation." • From Rome we have a telegram, dated Thursday, telling what the Pope intended to do in self-defence.
The Papal Government is about to address a memorandum to all the European Powers, pretesting against the Sardinian invasion of the Roman territory. This memorandum explains that the enrolment of foreign volun- teers of which Sardinia complains in her ultimatum, was principally due to the counsels of Austria and France; the latter Powers having, after the Paris Congress in 1856, insisted on the formation of a Papal army."
The French Government desires not to be misunderstood. The In- dgpoufance of Brussels having in a letter from Paris given it to'be under- stood that the attack of Piedmont against the Papal States was secretly encouraged by the French government, and that if the Emperor NePoleon has not promoted an aggression of the kind his language has at least not interdicted it, the Patric denies the truth of the statement in the follow- ing terms-
" In order to put an end to such assertions, 'we must declare that we are authorized to contradict them. This contradiction results, moreover, from the whole of the Imperial policy, and it is that which gives it an incontest- able sanction. When Piedmont departed from the project of Federation laid down in principle by the treaty of Villafranea, to throw herself into the system of annexation, such conduct was at once disapproved of by France. II was contrary to the counsels of France that Piedmont annexed to herself Tuscany and Romagna, and it is in opposition to her advice and in spite of her protests that she now invades the Papal States. This invasion, justly considered in France and throughout Europe as a violation of the law of nations, remains entirely at the charge of the State which attempts it. The Emperor's Government, after having vainly tried to prevent it, disapproves of it highly, and the arms of France will continue to protect at Rome the person and the authority of the Sovereign Pontiff."
There would appear to be some apprehension at Turin, The Opinione, of Turin, which, is a semi-official paper, devotes in its number of the llth instant an article to the intervention of Piedmont in the Roman States. It says-
" The French Government must not regard the intervention of Piedmont in the Roman States as an act of aggression, but rather as a legitimate act i of defence. Piedmont has no other object n view than to combat foreign intervention in Italy, and conformably to the line of policy laid down by the Emperor Napoleon.
" The more recent events which have taken place in the provinces occupied by General Lamoriciere are not yet accurately known in Paris. They are probably ignorant there that the insurrection is simultaneous and general, and that it takes place to the cry 'Long live Victor Emmanuel, our King In the Roman provinces the question of annexation is not discussed ; the fact of being annexed to another State is not heeded in the desire to shake off the theocratic yoke, to proclaim the sovereignty of Victor Emmanuel, and to constitute Italy.
"The Italians have hitherto only followed the advice, full of authority, given to them by the Emperor Napoleon.
"No one knows the condition of the Roman provinces better than the Emperor Napoleon. Re has studied them, mourned at their sufferings, and has before now sought to relieve theni. Now that the fruit is ripe, it must be plucked. Our Government has stepped boldly forward, and can no longer retract. Europe is called upon today to select between Victor Emmanuel and revolution, between constitutional monarchy and anarchy, between the national flag and cross of Savoy and the red flag. The choice cannot be doubtful. Italy has made hers. Europe can but approve it, because it guarantees general order and tranquillity, while the uncertainty of the fu- ture would expose us to serious disorder. "France, which has generously lent so valiant and powerful an aid to Italy, will admit that the position of our Government did not allow it to refuse or delay a support which the people had a right to ask from it, and which it was bound to grant. The Government will know how to assume the responsibility of these facts in the face of Italy, of France, of' Europe; and we are convinced that, whatever may be the opinion at present of the Imperial Government of the events which have taken place in the Roman provinces, the alliance will not be affected ; while Italy is constituting her- self, France would not wish to break an alliance, the object of which Waa precisely that constitution."