Lord Brougham's new " Treatise on the British Constitution," is promised by Messrs. R. Griffin and Co., for the beginning of November.
The same publishers announce "A History of Learning and Litera- ture in England," by George L. raick, Professor of English Literature at Belfast, and "A Manual of Civil Engineering," by W. J. Macquorn Rankine F R S LL .D.
Mr. Bentley has in the press a new volume of prophecy, "Redemption Draweth Nig13 "i3y the author of The Groat Tribulation.
The second series of Miss Agnes Strickland's "Old Friends and New Acquaintances," is announced as forthcoming by Messrs. Sinapkin, Marshall, and Co.
Two tales of Russian life, "The Emigrant's Daughter," and "My Wires Pin Money," are preparing for publication by Messrs. Saunders, Otley, and Co. The first of them a dedicated by permission to the Em- press of Russia.
Among works of fiction announced as forthcoming are "The Senior Fellow," by the author of "Squires and Parsons ; " "Too Late," by Mrs. Dirnsdale ; "Lady Aubrey, or What Shall I Do ?" by the author of "Every Day ; " and "The Shadow in the House," by Mr. John Saunders, Mess's. IXurst and Blaekett, announce for immediate appearance in two volumes, "Traits of Character ; being Twenty-Five Years' Lite- rary and Personal Recollections,'- by a contemporary ; and a new novel entitled "Money," in three vlumes.
Messrs. Cassell, Potter, and Galpin, announce in October a new work, edited by Mr. M. I). Hill and Lord Brougham, entitled, "Our Exem- plars, Poor and Rich," a Series of Biographical Sketches of Men and Women who have, by an extraordinary use of their opportunities, bene- fited their fellow-creatures. The same publishers announce, Hope Evermore ; or Something-to Do," a Tale of the Ragged Schools.
An " Histoire des Classes Laborieuses en France, depuis la Con- ciliate de la Gaule par Jules Cesar jusqu'i nos jours, by M. Du Center, has been brought out by Messrs. Didier and Co.
M. Pihan, foreman printer in the oriental department of the Impri- merie Imperiale, Paris, has published,' through H. Plon, an "Exposé des Signes de Numeration Usites chez lea Peoples Orientaux Anciona et Moderates." French critics describe the work as unique in its kind, and most valuable to students of oriental languages and literature.
The French Academic des Inscriptions, has just brought out the third volume of the " Historiens Oecidentaux des Croisades " edited by M. Wallon; and the twenty-second volume of the collection Of the " toriens des Genies et de la France," edited by M. N. do Wailly.
A new translation, from the original Greek, of the eight books of He- rodian, under the title " Histoire Romaine depuis la Mort de Marc- Aural° jusqu' a ravinement de Gordien Ill.," with notes and intro- duction, by 31. Leon Halevy, has been brought out by Messrs. Didot, freres, Paris.
The eighteenth part of the " Grandes lIsines de France," published under the direction of M. Turgan, editor of the Monitcur, has just made its appearance. It contains the history of the goldsmith's trade in France, and a description of its present state.
"De Quebec a Lima : Journal d'un Voyage dans Les Deux Amari- ques en 1858-59," by M. de Basterot, has been published by Messrs. Hachette and Co., Paris.
Mr. Charles Darwin's theory of the origin of species has been discussed, and developed by a Belgian savant, Dr. Burggrave, of Ghent, in a work just published called "Ameliorations De L'Espece Humaine."
The third volume of Dr. F. Strauss's great work on "Ulrich von Hutton," containing the dialogues of the valiant knight, elucidated and annotated, has been brought out by Messrs. Brockhans and Co., Leipzig.
A " Geschiehte der Religiasen Bewegimg der Neuern Zeit," (History of the Religious Movement of Modern Times,) in four volumes, by I'm- fessor F. Kampe, has been published at Berlin.
Madame Anna Pfeiffer, the celebrated traveller, has left, in manu- script, an autobiography, and an account of her last voyage to Mods- gascar, which is about to bepublished by her son, at Vienna.