A five-act comedy, by M. E. Dubreuil, lately produced at the Odeon, with the title Les Manages d'Amour, has made too slight an impression - to render anything like description necessary. A ludicrous circumstance. Connected with it is, however, worth recording. To such a satisfactory issue had the author brought the intrigue at the end of the fourth act, that many of the audience, thinking all was over, began to retire from the theatre.
Lesago's old comedy, (Iris-pin, .Rival Ck son'Maitre, has been adorned - with music by M. Sellenieli, and produced as a comic opera at the Theatre Lyrique.
The aggregate receipts of the places of publio amusement during the month of August amount to 1,115,130f. 21c.; being an increase ef 182,316f. 42e. on those of July.