The Russian armies in Livonia during the week stayed their
retreat on a front which, at a distance of about forty miles from Riga, curves from the mouth of the Melupe River, on the Gulf of Riga, to the Dvina's marshy banks at Friedrichstadt. In the centre of this large salient, the Riga-Pskov road crosses the river Aa at Segevold, and in this region General Korniloff has reported some lively skirmishing with the enemy cavalry. The Germans were probably not strong enough to push on at once in their too successful advance, but the Russians have now to defend, if they can, a much longer front than the Dvina line which they abandoned so readily. German warships have appeared in the Gulf of Riga. The Rumanians, undismayed by Russian failures, continue to hold the enemy on their whole front from Bukowina to the Lower Sereth.