L'he Collected Works Of Padraio Ii. Pearce. (mammal And Co.
7s. 6d. net.)—Cireumatances have tended to give the writing, of the late Padraie Pearao a greater prominence than they would perhepe -ordinarily have achieved, and the same......
General Past : A Comedy Its Three Acts. By J.
E. Harold Terry. (Methuen and Co. 2s. net.)—An attractive play showing how social conditions have been, and—according to Mr. Terry—will continue in future to be, affected by the......
Messrs. Edward Stanford Have Issued A Good Half .inch Map,
(2s. ed.) of the Flanders battle front, from the sea to the neighbour. , hood of Ypres, showing the Belgian coast and the interior to Thick and Routers, with all the natural......
M. Charles Crolleau Has Translated Fitzgerald Into...
in Les Ruhaiyat d'Omar Khayyam (Leopold B. Hill, Is. 3d. net), an elegant booklet which will amuse the devotees: The l fleet stanza runs Dohout ! car le Matin dans la coupe de......