There is nothing new in the arrogance, brutality, and had
faith of these German messages, whose author was given his passports on Wednesday,'"and asktsl to leave Argentina at once. Count Luxburg's truly Prussian contempt for the Government to which he was accredited has been exposed, like Papen's scorn for the " idiotic Yankees," whom ho thought, quite wrongly, that be bad galled. It is well known that
the enemy submarines have tried, sometimes with success, to destroy neutral as well as Allied-merchantman, and to murder their crews, " leaving no trace." Count Luxburg merely confirms anew the belief that these,crimes were committed " by order," like the . German atrocities in Belgium: and France. His perfidy in negotiating with ArgentinaJor the.settlereentof the case of ono Argentine ship which had, he admitted, been wrongfully sunk, while at the same time advising his superiors how and when to sink others, is typical of German diplomatic methods. All the neutrals know that Germany is not to be trusted, though, some of them, through fear or self-intereet, still pretend to trust her.