We all recognize the difficulties and dangers of Sweden's position
as a neutral, with an unscrupulous belligerent like Germany spying on her every movement, as a hungry crocodile watches his- prey. We know that the great majority of theSwedisb people are friendly to the Allies, especially now that they have been relieved from. their fear of the Russian Tsardom and see Finland rejoicing in freedom. We are well aware that the pro-German party, influential, though it is at Court, in the. Army, and among the officials, is in no sense representative of Sweden. Yet, with all the goodwill possible, we cannot look on unmoved, while Sweden, under the cloak of neutrality, gives valuable assistance to the enemy. Sweden lies almost helpless at the merry of the German Fleet, but she can for all that save her soul by being an honest neutraL President Wilson, who, though far away, controls the only food supplies available for Sweden in her sore need, will have the last -word in any controversy.