Mr. Boner Law, at a luncheon on Wednesday in honour
of Mr. McCormick, a well-known Illinois member of Congress, expressed very frankly our gratitude to America for her generous financial assistance- We have helped our Allies with vast loans, and wo arc not at all ashamed to admit that we are now relying on America for help in meeting our stupendous war expenditure. Mr. Bomar Law said that he could admit to-day, as he could not have done six months ago, that " without the aid of the United States the financial situation of the Allies would have been in a very disastrous position." We are not relaxing our own efforts, but America's resources place victory beyond doubt. The war, as Mr. Boner Law said, is now a question of nerves and staying-power. The Allies' nerves ore sound, and, with America's help, we can outlast the enemy, as he knows very well.