The new Canadian Franchise Bill, which was read is second
time on Tuesday, gives novel expression to the idea that if a man will not servo hit country he should not have a share in governing it. All members of the Canadian Oversea Force, including nurses, Red Indians, and Hindus, are to be enfranchised, with the nearer female relatives of all soldiers, including those who have died on active service. On the other hand, the Bill disfranchises all con- scientious objectors and all those persons, naturalized since March 31st, 1002, who are enemy aliens by birth or, though born in neutral countries, are of German, Austrian, or Turkish parentage. Armenians are excepted, as well as those who have sons, brothers, or grandsons in the Canadian Force. The naturalized persons thins disfranchised are not allowed to serve, and therefore, it is maintained, should not be permitted to vote at the General Election, which will decide the issue of conscription for Canada.