THE KING AND HIS COURT.--Their Majesties came to town on
Monday. On Tuesday the King gave a splendid dinner to the Knights Grand Crosses of the Bath, civil and military. Fifty-four covers were laid, and forty-six of the distinguished persons who were honoured by his Majesty's command, being the whole that were in the metropolis, attended. The Knights appeared in full costume, except the collar,
which was dispensed with. They were-
The Duke of Cumberland, Prince Leopold, Field-Marshal Sir Alured Clarke, Earl of Donoughmore, Sir J. Saumarez, Lord Howden, the Doke of Wellington, Earl Northeslc, Hon. Sir A. F. Cochrane, Sir George H. Barlow, Viscount Strangford, Viscount Beresford, Lord Lynedoch, Lord Hill, Hon. Sir Edward Paget, Sir G. Nugent, Sir J. Doyle, Marquis of Londonderry, Sir Alexander Hope, Sir George Murray, Sir W. Clinton, the Earl of Clancarty, Sir James Kempt, Sir Robert Liston, Sir George Cockburn, Sir Thomas Hislop, Sir John Maleohn, Sir Thomas Foley, Sir Charles H. Knowles, the Earl of Rosslyn, the Doke of Gordon, Lord Farnborough, Sir George Martin, Sir Edward Thornton, Sir John Oswald, Sir Edward Thorn- borough. Sir Henry Fane, Sir Archibald Campbell, Sir E. Codrington, Sir Frederick Lamb, Sir Stratford Canning, Sir T. Martin, Sir James Hawkins Whiteshed, Sir rialip Charles Durham, and Sir William Houston. Officers of the Oecter.-The Dean of the Order ; Sir George Nayler, Garter, Gene- alogist of the Order ; A. Greville, Esq. Bath King of Arms; Captain :H. Seymour, Registrar and Secretary - George F. Heitz, Esq. Gentleman Usher • ' James Pulman, Esq.; W. Woods, Esq. Secretary to the Knights Commanders and Companions. On Wednesday, his Majesty held a levee, at which the Elgin, Ross, and Dumbarton addresses against the Reform Bill, and the Suffolk, Kent, Leicester,,and Gloucester county, and a vast number of addresses from towns in England and Scotland, were presented in favour of it.
The following presentations then took place: Sir J. Croft, Bart. by Lord R. Manners. Kinnoutl. Lieut.-Col. Teuton, 33th Regt. on his promotion, by Mr.Jonea, by his father, Lient.-Gen. Cr R. Jones.
Sir M. Tierney, Bart. on being appointedPhysician Most Hon. Privy Chatober, by his Grace the to the Queen's Household, by the Cul of Errol. Lord Chamberlin. S'iwount Fit:chards, by the Earl of alalinesbary. Rev. C. Day. LL.B. Chaplain to the High Sheriff Capt. Cary, South Devon Yeomanry, by Lora J. for the connty of Suffolk, by his Grace the Duke telicien. Mr. N. Carlisle, Gentleman of his Majesty's Most Lent Bingham, by Lard Hill.
Mr. G. du PM, on his return from the British painted Dean of Che ster, by Sir .1. Conroy, Sir T. Whieheote, by Lord Saltoun. jesty's Privy Chamber, by his Grace the Lord Mr. H. I.. Balwer, al.P. attached to his Majesty's Chandiel halt embassy at Viemut, by Viscount Palmerston. Mr. Daslmnoi I, by General Maitland. Mr. llyett, by Loot Docie. Cam. Sic a-. ILA. on presenting his work on
Venerable Ambito:icon Butler, D.D. by the Lord Ciitnii7etr., Martial, by the Right Hon. Sir II. liar-
Bishop of London. , lord ICilmaine, hs Lord Waterpark. Lord Grimston, hr the Earl of Verulam. Sir W. E. Welby,Bart. by Fart Brownlow. Capt. Hancock, LB. R.N. by Sir J. Graham. lion. W. Ogilvy, M.P. 'Minim Lieut. of Forfar- Capt. Louis, ILA. on promotion, by the Master- shire. by the bike of Gortlai. Gen. of the Ordnance. Mr. Seltriu, by Sir C. B. Von, Mr. Grimstone, by Lord Verniato. Sir W. Clglantler, to kiss howls. Mr Ilan.. r: vraleman of his Majesty's Most Hon.
Lieut. G. Bogue, R.N. Gentleman ,Pensioner, on trio Chamber, by his Grace. the Lord Chem-
his appointment, by Lord Foley. berlUin. A. V. Corbet, Esq. Capt. North Shropshire Yea- Capt. Barnard, Grenadier Guards, by Sir A. Bar- armory Cavalry, by Lord G. llill. nard. Sir W. /linty, by Earl Ileatichainp.Lieut. Wrigh t, by Sir W. Pringle. Sir F. Villeellt, Bart. by the Mar. of Clanricarde. Capt. It. Logan. by Lard F. Somerset. Mr. Cooper, Advocaut-Gen. of Mauritius, by the Capt. Hon. C. Berkeley, cm promotion, by Colonel Earl of Fingull. Berkeley. Mr. Holden, by Lord Byron. Town ItItuor White, of the garrison of Portsmouth, Dr. Spurgin, by Earl Ferrets. by Col. Iligains. Pin. R. W. Edgell, by Sir W. Millie. Major Freeth,'foth Rent. by Mr. G. Harrison. Sir H. Willoughby:by Sir W. Fremantle. Lieut. Stopford, by Admiral Sir R. Stopford. Sir J. Urniston, by Sir G. Staunton. Bart. lion. F. Byng, Gentleman Usher of his Majesty's 31ev. J. C. Young, by the Lord in Waiting. Privy Chamber, on his appointment, by dm Dr. Jackson, Stan; Physician in Ireland, by the Lord Chamberlain. Earl of (losford. Lien. 11. I). Twysden, R.N. by Mr. lIoldsworth. 311r. W. Lawrence, by Lord Carlisle, Co mm J. Hamilton, R.N. by Sir J. Graham. Mr. Kynnston, by the Lord in Waiting. Capt. Angerstein, by Col. Woodford. Iftallelby, Earl Brownlow. Capt. J. Percy, R.N. on his return from Ireland, by Sir II. Fletcher, Bart. by Sir R. Frederick, Bart. Admiral Sir P. Durham. Lieut. H. Hemsley, on his appointment to the Hon. 31r. R. Wilbraham, by Lord Skelmersdale. Hand of Gentlemen Pensioners,by Lord Foley. Capt. Tt. Martin, by Sir T. Martin. 141r. Fitzgerald, M.P. for Sanford, by the Eta of The Hon. Sir F. Bruce, by the Lord in Waiting. Fingal). Mr. F. Dashwood, by Gen. F. Maitland. Sir C. Colvile, Sheriff of Derbyshire, by the Duke Gen. Grosvenor, by the Earl of Wilton.
Rev. T. Carter, by the Be-. Dr. Keate. appointed a Knight of the Royal ;Hanoverian 311r. R. Hook, by the Earl of Guilford. Guelphic Order, by Lieut..Gen. Sir H. Taylor. Mr. l'reston, le.; Sir W. !terries. Col. J. Munro, by the Earl of Gosfurd. Rev. T. C. Wright, by the Rev. Dr. Route. Col. West, by Gen. Wynyard.
Sir H. Mikis-nay, by Viscount Palmerston. Rear-Admiral alackellar, on his promotion and
Sir J. Croft, by Lord R. Manners. return from the Continent, by Sir J. Graham. Rev. A. B. Mesham, by the Marquis of Downshite. Col. Barne, by Gen. Sir IV. Clinton. Mr. Bacon, by the Earl of Gosforvl. Admiral J. Douglas, by Copt. Sir G. Westphal,R.N. Mr. Beaumont, Yorkshire Hussars, by Lord Lieut.-Col. W. Hay, by Sir H. Taylor.
Sir. Gordon, by the Duke of Gordon. Governor of Stirling Castle. by Lord Hill. Mon. G. Agar, by Viscount Ashbrook. The Hun- Lieut. Harris, R.N. by the Earl of Rev. S. Barker, Chaplain to His Royal Highness Malmeshary.
the Duke of Cambridge, by Sir 11. Taylor. Capt. Wynyard, by Gen. Wynyard.
Mr. Fyler, M.P. by Viscount Palmerston. Lieut.-Col. N. Harris, on being made a 'Knight of Mr. E. Buller, by Lord de Dunstanyille. the Royal Order of the Guelph, by Lord Hill. Mr. M. Grant, by Earl Gower. Commander Maitland, by Sir R. Otway. Sir F.Watson, K.T.S. by Viscount Beresford. Col. Gitillamn being appointed Aide-de-camp to Mr. Hornby, by Lord .1. O'Brien. his 3Iajesty for the service of the Guernsey Plr. R. Earle, by the Hon. E.G. Stanley. Militia, by Lient.-Gen. Sir H. Taylor. Mr. F. Calvert, by Sir II. Taylor. Col. Sir H. Watson, by Lord Hill. lion. F. J. Shore, by Gen. Lord 11M. Col, Lewis, on being appointed Aide-de-camp to
31r. II. Immbtort Sy Lord Durlmm. the Sing, la, Sir .1. Graham. Capt. Perkins, Sorry Yeomanry Cavalry, by Lieut.- Capt. C. llowe, by Sir L. Muller.
lion. T. II. Nugent, by the Marquis of Westmeath. Iloneyman.
Mr. H. Herbert, by Lord Dude. Lieut. G. V. Hart, R.N. by Gen. Hort. 311r. Verschuyle, by Lord Kilmayne. Lieut. l'erkins, by Lieut.-Col. Sir W. Jolliffe.
r. Sir II. Taylor. Huntingdon, with a dutiful and loyal Address
Mr. Littledule, by Earl Amherst. to his Majesty. 111r. 11.1'. Grant, by Sir C. Cole. Lieut. Ray, R.N. by Sir R. Otway. Lieut.-Gen. sir .1. 0,wald, by Gen. Lord Hill. Lima. R. A. Robinson, R.N. by Sir J. Graham, Mr. Rialiven, M.P. by Mr. S.Itiee. • Lieut. B. P. Sadler, by Sir J. Graham. Mr-Oltenia°, an being appointed Parliamentary Capt. Paterson, on promotion, by Lord F. So- P C tunnel for Irish Atttirs, by Mr. Stanley. merset. Dlr. Tyrell, to kiss hands. Capt. .1. Thomson, R.N. by Sir J. Graham. Sir .1. Strange, Gentleman of his afojesty's Most Capt. North, by Viscount flood. Hon. Privy Chamber, by his Grace the Lord Capt. Waller, by Lieut-Gen. Sir H. Tiolor.
Mr. E. Macringliten, by laird .T. O'Brien. from the West Indies, by Lord F. Somerset. Mr. E. Littledale. by Sly Littledale. Mojor Gardiner, by Sir P. Sidney. Mr. J. Flit, by Admiral Sir H. Omar. Major Sweetman, on promotion, by Lieut-Gen. Admiral Sir T. Foley, by tie Each ot Northesk. Sir C. Halkett. Mr. Borrer, Gentleman aids 31ajesty's Most Hon. Lieut. Went mat it, R.N. by Rear-Admiral Dundos. Privy Chamber, by his Grace the Lord Chum- Lieut. R. W. lamition, by Col. Sir A. Dickson.
r berlain. Lieut. Cherry, by Lieut.-Gen. Corner. Sir F. Bartlett Lieut.G. Morris, by Sir T. Hardy. Cornet Sowell, by 'Sir W. JollitTe, Bart Aide-de-camp. on receiving his commission, by the Earl of Lieut.-Gen. Sir .1. Oswald, G.C.B. Mr. IL Broadwood, Gentleman of 116 Majesty's of Grafton.
Honounble Prior Chamber, by his Grace the Rev. Dr. I), cc, Principal Master to her Royal Lord Chetah/a-lain. Higbee, tha Princess ViNariii, on being em- Le n gatio at Berlin, by V1-1.0:111L Pahnerston. Sir 1'. 0. Foo ke, Bart. a 11 entleman of fiis Ma- of Devonshire. Col. Arnold, Aide-de-temp to the King, on being Grantham. Col. Sir A. Christie, on being appointed Deputy.
Col. Sir %V. Jolla,. Lieut. iloneyrnan, by Ids father, Rear-Admiral
Mr. G. Harrison, on his appointment lobe a Knight Lieut. R. 0. Ward, by Sir R. Gardiner. Commander of the Royal Guelphic Order, -by Lieut. Bendyelle, 12-.N. Sheriff of the county of
Chomberlitin. Capt. Trotter, iiii promotion, by Col. Fluelarenee, 111r. II. Mestere, by Lord Sutton's. Major Pk:node:alter, on promotion, and return After the Levee, the King held a Court ; when the proclamation for the new coinage was agreed to, and the report of the Recorder of London presented. In the evening, the Queen honoured with her presence the Concert of Ancient Music.
On Thursday, her Majesty the Queen held a public Drawing-room ; the regulations were precisely similar to those adopted on former occa- sions. The following were the presentations on this occasion :- Mrs. E. Marjorifianka by the Countess of Errol. Dirs. Cockran, by the lion. Mrs. B. Paget.
Lady 'Martin, by the Lady in Waiting. Mrs. H. Wells, by the Count. Dowager of Clare.
Sir Edmond Stanley, by the Earl of Gosford. Miss C. Lloyd, by the Right Hon. Lade Nugent. .
Capt. Berkeley Maxwell, R.N. by the Earl of Errol. Genre the Duke of Grafton. Sir. Butler Danvers, by the Right lion. Sir W. H. Mrs. Selwin, by the Countess of Caledoza Fremantle. Sir W. Oglander, by the Duke of Grafton.
Lord De Tahley, by Pawl Howe. berlain.
The Lord Chamberlain to the Queen. Mr. L. Gayer, by Lord E. Somerset.
Mrs. Bontein, by the Dow. March. of Clanricarde. Mr. John Bead. High Sheriff of Suffolk, by his Lady Adand, by the Countess of Morton, Mr. H. Broadened, Gentleman of his Majesty's Mrs. Hervey, by Lady Warburton. Privy Chamber, by his Grace the Lord Chain- Lady Croft by Mrs. Riehard Beadon. Lady Tucker, by the Dow. Forth. of Clottricarde, Mr.tister Parker, by the Lord Chamberlain to the Queen. Sir Charles Wetherell, by the Earl of Eldon. Lady Martin, by Ludy James O'Brien. Mrs. llornby, by Lady James O'Brien. Mrs. Holden, by Linty Byron.
Mr. Smyth Windham, by Colonel Fitzelarence. Lady Louisa Duneombe, by the Mardi. of Ely. Miss Marjoribanks, by the Countess of Errol. Mirla Hernby, by Mrs. Hornby. Miss Grant, by 'Mrs. Henry John Grant.
MiSS Louisa Gage, by her mother, Mrs. J. Gage. Miss Ley, by Lady Eno:tees Ley. Miss almy Wrotteslev, by Lady Wrottesley. Miss Christina Des %recant by the Hon. Mrs. Paget. Miss Sophia Gage, by her icotter, 3Irs. J. Gage. Miss G. Marjoribonks, by the Countess of Errol. Mi. Fralerien Johnston, by Lady Johnston. Miss Martin, by Lady .lione's O'Brien. Miss Camphelf, by Lady Fitzroy Somerset. Mrs. John Gage, by the Countess of Abingdon. Countess of Guildford, by Lady Charlotte Lindsay. Mom. Littledale, by C.untess Amherst, Mrs. R. Colborne, by the Countess of Albetnarle. Miss Anson, by the Countess of Itosebery. Mrs. John Stratton, by the Marchioness of Ely. Countess of Huntingdon, by the March. Wellesley. Mi. S. Balfour, by the Duelt Dow. of Richmond. Miss Mary Culvert, by her mother, the Hon. Mrs. Calvert.
Mks Blanche Somerset, by Lady Harriet Mitchell. Miss De Grey, by Mrs. De-Geer.
Mrs. Chandos Pole, by Lady Byron.
Vimo untess Fitzharris, by Coo tess Tankerv ill e. Mrs. Balfour, by the Duebess Dow. of Richmond. Miss Harriet Stratton, by the 31orehione. of Ely. Mi. Mick lethwait, by her tient, Lady F. Holborn. Baroness Grey de Ruthyn, by Countess Howe. lire. Lloyd, by the Right lion. Lady Nugent. Miss Mary Ley, by Lady Frances Lev.
Lady Des'cceux, by the Hon. Mrs. Paget. Mnrellioness of listings, by Viscountess Keith. Lady Caroline Laseelles, by Lady G. Agar Ellis. Hon. Mrs. Janes Cuthbert, on her marriage, by Mrs. Cuthbert.
lion. Cecil Rice, by Countess Howe. Hon. lady Ferguson, of Pillbox., by the Dowager Lady laingford.
Lady Hartwell, by Laity James O'Brien. Miss Birch, by Mrs. Stanley. Mr. Justice Bosanquet. by Lon/ Tentenlen. Miss Balfonr, by the Duchess Dow. of Richmond. Holden, he Lady liven. 3Iiss II. Calvert", by her mother, Hon. Mrs.Crilyert. Mr. Nieholas Carlisle, Gentleman of his Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Chamber, by his Grace the Lord Chamberlain.
Mr. G it racy, King's Counsel, by the Lord Chan- cellor.
Mr. I're.lerie Calvert, by Sir Herbert Taylor. Mr. itemise flu Pr6, ;Merited to the British Lope- limits mt Berlin, by Viscount Palmerston Lady A g nes Boller, by the Duchess Dowager of Northumberland.
Lady Maria Coes, by Indy John Thynne. Mr:Baron Bayley, on his nppoin tment as one of the Barons of the Court of Exchequer. Mr. Howard (of Corby), by the Earl of CarliS10.
MiSS Rycroft. by the Hon. Mm. Pelham.
Archdeacon Butler, by the Bishop of London. Miss Esther Harrold, by the Hon. Mrs. Pelham.
Miss Harriet Clan., by the 31archioness Wellesley. 3liss It. Nesbitt, by 31r. George Fred. St. John.
Miss Calvert, by her Innther, time Hon. Mrs. Calvert Hon. Caroline Rice, by Countess Howe. Lady Vincent, by the Iron. Mrs. Percy Fraser. /Miss Tierney. Itr Lady Tierney. Miss Ridley Colborne, by Mn. Ridley Colborne. afiss Berne, by Lady Frances /Torben, , Miss Garden, thughter of Lady William Gordon, by the Duchess of Gordon. Lady Harriet Gurney, by the Countess of Errol.,
Vise-mint Ashbrook, by Earl Howe.
Hen, George Agar, by Visemint Ashbrook.
Miss Sarah Cranfurd, by the lion. Mrs. Mundy.
Miss Remelt, by the Hon. Mrs. Pelle-ire.
Miss Walpole, by the Duchess of Northumberland. Mr. Abbott, by his father, Lord Tenterden. Lady IL Maxwell, by the Countess of Selkirk. Mr. E. Fauquier, by Maj.-Gen. Sir H. Wheatley. Hon. G. Foley, by the Countess of Sefton.
Mr. Staples, by the Earl of Cidedon. Lady Wheler, by the Countess Nelson.
Lady Corteret, by Lady Isabella Mynas. Mr. Philip H. Howard, by the Earl of Carlisle. Sir Henry Fletcher, Bart: by Earl Howe. Mr. Sehrin, by Sir Charles Brooke Vere. Miss E. Hal kett, by the Countess of Selkirk. Mr. Chninins Pole. by Lord Byron. Only Phillimme, by Countess Howe.
Miss Heron Maxwell, by the Countess of Selkirk. Hon. Katherine Rice, by Countess Howe. Viscoent lierehaven, by the Earl of ListoweL Mr. Littledale, by Earl Amherst.
Miss Hartwell, by Lady James O'Brien. Miss Littledale, by Mrs. Littledale. Miss Lonisn Somerset, by Lady H. Mitchell. Miss 31. II. Maxwell, by hue Countess or Selkirk. Mrs. Dnwkins, by the Countess Dow. of Morton. Miss Augusta Ilolden, by Lady Byron, Miss Mitchell. by her loather, Lady 11. Mitchell. Lady Mary Peter, by the Countess of Sum. Lady Selina Hastings, by the March. of Hastings. Lady Caroline Keppel, by the Countof Albemnrle. Me. Tell, M.P. by ilir4 itruce the Duke of Grafton. Mr. Holden, by Lord Byron. Mr. H. F. Scott. M.P. by Colonel Fitzclamnee. Lady Caroline Moose, by Lode Seymour.
Lady Kilrnaine, by the Maryli. of Westmerith. Lady Frances Ley, by Lady Belhaven. Mr.lincon, by the EMI of Gosford. Sir Iftntthew Tierney, Bart on being appointed Physician to the 'Queen's Household, by her Majesty's Lord Chamberlain..
Sir John -Croft, Bart. by Lord Robert Manners.
Miss Homey, by Mrs. Lloyd. Lady Scott Dough., bribe Countess of ErroL Lady Bingham, by Countess liowe. Lady W. de Broke, by Lady Fermium. Lord Grantham, on bin appointment as King's Aide-de-camp. Mrs. de Grey, by time C. suites, of Gnildford. Miss Stratton, by the Marchioness of Ely.
Miss C. Walpole, by die Duels. of Nartlinmherland.
Lady &acid, by the Marchinne, of Ely. Miss Maria Cotes, by Lady John Thynne. Lady Tierney, by the Marchioness Wellesley. Mr:Lister Parker. by Earl Howe.
Miss Knight, by the RightHon. Lady 31. Petre. Viseountess Hood, by Lady Britlport. Lord Watelpark, by the Duke of Devonshire. Lady T. Br:Mason, by the Countess of Meath. Mr. Macpherson Grant, by Earl Gower. Miss Fanny Corkran, by her mother. Miss Henrietta de Grey, by Mr,. de Grey. Mn. Edward Buller, by Lord de Dunstnnyille. Mr. Jostiee Gaselee, by Lord Tenterden, Miss Munro, by Lady Strange. Sir Trevor Wilder, by his Royal Highness Primo Leopold. Mr. H. Lytton BnItyer, M.P., attached to his Ma- jestv's 'Embassy at Vienna. Mr. Hornhy, by Lord James O'Brien. Miss Cochran, by her mother. Sir James Urmston, by Sir George Staunton, Bart- Lady Lucy Clive, by the Duchess of Montrose. Sir George Harrison, on his appointment to be a KnWit Commander of the Royal Guelphie Order, by me Herbert Taylor. Lady Kalb. Halkett. by the Countess of Selkirk. Mrs. Keith Douglas, be the Countess of Selkirk. Mrs. T. W. Taylor, by Lady Caroline Wood. afrs. Charles Dundes, by the Count. of Abingdon. Mrs. Colonel Daniell, by the March. Wellesley.. The Hon. Mrs. Calvert, by the Count. Of Limerick, Mr. H. Masters, by Lord Saltonn. The Hon. Miss Anson, by Lady Sherborne.
Mr. Dattit.• leg Weboter, by Ludy %Vellesley. e Lieut.-Gen. Sir IL Campbell. Lady C. Linclosy. Mrs. H. Ilutchua:Obt by Hon. Mrs. and Mine Aieti2e. bY E•sri Howe. Mts. Hanford, by the Hon. Mrs. relbaub Mrs. Berne, by Lady F. Hotham. Mrs. G. Dyke, by Lady de Dunstunville. lie. Daniell, by 31arquis Wellesley. Mrs. E. Buller, by the Count. Dowager of Morten.-
lint. 11. Ferguson, by Lady do Dunstauville.
Mr. Dashwood, by Gen. Maitland. Miss Farquhar, by Lady Farquhar. Mrs. L. Gower, by her mother, Lady IL Mitchell. Mr. B. Percy, by the Doke of Northumberland. Lady II. St. 3tra c, by the Count. of Albemarle. Mm. 11. King, by the Right Hon. M. L. Petre. Lady E. Thymic, by Lady J. Therm. Mrs. 3f. Wilson, by Laity Stephenson., Mn, K. . liy Lady J. O'Brien.
Miss I.. Cotes, by Lady Thynne. Miss Dawkins, by the Count. Dowager of Morton. .Ohioo Herbert, by the Countess of Denbigh.
3Iiss Firsroy, ime Lady Wrottesley. Lady Petro, by Lady NI. Petro. Lndy C. Stewart, by the Marchioness of Ely. Mrs. Trotte, lo the I Ion. Mrs. 1'. P.13doverie.
Capt. Waller, by Sir H. Taylor. Sir J. Cathcart, tied Life Guards, by Col. the lion. E. Lygon. Sir J. Strange, Gentleman of the l'rivy Chamber, by the Lord Chaniberla in.
Sir 'Henry Itycroft, by Earl Howe. Capt. Anzerstein, by Adm. Sir G. ahutin,
Mies Lloyd, by Lady Nugent.
Dr. Jackson, by the Earl of Gosford. Lady J. Thynne, by Lady J. Thynne. Lord Petre, by the Duke of Norfolk. Dowager Count. of Errol, by the Count. of Errol. Rev. C. Day, L.B. by die flake of Grafton. Lady Mori 1 lits:ingis, by the March. ot ttmmmitingo. Sir E. G. Rorke, Bfirt. Gentleman of his Majesty's Privy Chamber, by the Lord Chiunbertain. Rev. C. Fred. St John, by Adm. Sir C. Knowles, Bart. G.C.B.
Leah, Strange, by the Hon. Mrs. Calvert.
Latl■• Itilblesdale, by Countess Howe. Lent Killimine. by Lord Waterpark. Lady Matilda Brute, hr the 31arelt of Winchester.
Bev: W. Holmes, Sub-Dean of the Chapel Royal, by the Bishop of Lorub Phillimore, by Lord tr Brien. Mr. E. B. Reynardson, by Colonel Woodford. Sirs. Preston, by Lady I lerrie, Cody )1. Dund:is, by the Morel, of Winchester. Ludy J. liawartl, by Countess 1 lowe. Lady Caroline Capd, by lire. Cl. Puget. Rev: .1. C. Wrialit, by the Re, Dr. Scale. Lady I'vvers!niin, by tine LaityIII auto; 'Lord Bingham, by Lord Hill. Mr. Kabuli, 2.1 Life Guards, by Col. the Hon.
Edsnr.i Lygon.
Dr. Simrgin, by Earl Ferrer,. Mr. R. I:, Sy Sir IL Ilalforcl.
Miss E. Horfurd, by 3Irs. Pelham. I Ion. MN. W. llt rbert, by the Count. of Denbigh. Sir Co. Whieheote, by Lord Saltottn, Rev. T. Carter, by Dr. Foote. Mrs. Henry Jobe Grunt, by Lady Guilthrd. Mrs. Brownlee. Knox, by Lady F. Hothatu,
Mrs. D. P. Bouvet-1r, Laily.Radnor. Miss C. Moreton, by Lady Denbigh.
Mi., C. !food, Bridport. Miss F.. lIorobv, hmv Afrs. - Mr. I'. E. Freke, lir Lord Carbcry. Miss Petry, by Lady.M. Peter.
Mr. IMasterton Ure,-by the Lord in Waiting. Mr. It. Petro, by the Duke 01Northlk.
Misses Stepher.on, by the Marchioness of Ely.
Mr. W. Crawford, by Lord Howe. Rev. Dr. Thum, by 'Sir .Tohn Conroy. Rev. A. Steelier, by the Duke of Sussex. Rey. Dr. Everirde, by the Bishop of Chichester.
Lady Jane Homml, by Countess Howc.
Mrs. G. St. John, by Lady Knowles. aliss 11. Rycroft, by Mrs. Pelham. Mrs. de SMrck, by Lady Seymour. Capt. Sykes, by the Duke of Sussex. Lieut.-Gen. Balfour, by Earl of Rossini. Gen. Grosvenor, by F.ail of Wilton.
Lieut.-Gen. Blaehford, by Sir II. Taylor. Maj.-Gen. Douglas, by Sir W. Houston.
Gen. Crosbie, by the Duke of Richmond.
Vice-Adm. Sir W. Lake, by Lord J. O'Brien. Maj.-Gen. Via Forbes, by Lord Maryborough. Rear-Adm. Mackellar, be' Sir J. Graham. Lieut.-Gen. Sir R. Jonee; by the Bp. of Chichester.
Maj. Freed!, by Sir G. Harrison, K.C.H.
Capt. Pateson' on promotion (unattached), by
Lord FitzrowSomerset.
Mrs. C. Balfonr, by the Countess of Listowell. Vice-Adm. Plampfn, on his return from the Con- tinent, by Sir J. Graham. Vice-Adm. Sir J. Rowley, by the Lord. in Waiting. Capt. Heringham, ILK. by Sir W. Lake. Capt. J. Anderson, East Essex Militia, by Lord Melbourne.
Capt. Hay, on being appointed Equerry to the Queen, by Lord Errol. Capt. Ferguson, R.N. by the Duke of Gordon. Maj. Sweetman, on promotion, by Sir C. Halkett. Col. Munro, by the Earl of Gosford. Mrs. D. Halford, by Ludy E. Drake. Mrs. Agar. by Lode' Imhoff.
Lieut.-Col. Elite, by Lord Byron. Lieut.-Col. Hughes, by Sir W. K. Grant. Col. Daniell, by Martinis 'Wellesley. Lord Nelson, by Lady Ely. Lndy Cornwallis, by the Duchess of Gordon. Col. Bowles, by Lord Macclesfield.
Miss Wade, by Lady Rossmnre. Tithe Moore, by her sister, Mrs. Hobart, Lord F. Pilule, by the Marquis of Winchester. Lieut.-Col. Richardson, by Lord Hill. Col. Sir H. Watson, by Lord Hill.
Lieut.-Col. G. Campbell, by Sir J. Kempt. Col. Arnold, on being appointed a Knight of the Guelphie Order, by Sir H.Titylur. 314 Pennefather, on promotion, by Lord Ti'. Somerset, Lieut.-Col. Taylor, by Col. Wood.
Miss Wilbraham, by Mrs. Stanley. Miss S. Anson, by Lady Rosebery. Commander R. Mundy, by General Mundy.
Sir Henry Martin, by Lord James O'Brien.
Sir G. Barlow, by Lord Nelson,
Captain Smith, by Lord Hill. Mr. R. Wilbrabarn, by Lord Skdmersdale. Coen. Maitland, by Sir R. Otway. Corn. Farber, by Sir J. Grabill], Liellt. Helmsley, on being appointed to the Hon. Corps of Gentlemen Pensioners, by Lord Foley. Miss Kyrtaston, by the Dow. Count. of Warwick. Sir Arthur Chichester, by the Earl of Belfast. Miss C. Corkram by her mother. Lieut. Ackerley, R.N. by the Duke of Richmond. Lieut. G. Bayne, R.N. on being appointed to the Hon. Corps of Gentlemen Pensioners, by Lord Foley. Lieut. II. Lloyd, by Sir T. Bowser. Mrs. W. and Miss Grant, hy Dow. Lody Clare. Lieut. 3.11. Maxwell, by the Earl of Selkirk. Lient Sadler, by.Sir J. Graham. Lieut. R.afacdonald, by Maj.-Gen. Sir J. Campbell. Lieut. Corbet, by Lord Hill. Mr. A. Stapleton, by the Duke of Snssex. Lieut. Robilllard, by the Earl of Walderraye. Mrs. W. Law, by Dowager Lady Ellenhorough. Lieut. Hill, by Lord Hill. Li out Holtman, by Rear-Adm. Honyman, Lady Sherburne, by Lady Howe,. Capt. Parker, by Sir P. Sydney. Capt Trotter, by Cot Fitzelarence. Miss H. Cadonurt, by Mrs. Cadognn. Capt. Barnard, by Str A. Barnard. Capt. Rattmy, RAY. by Sir J. Yorke. Lady Bossmore, by Ledy E. Campbell. Capt. Legg, by Sir E. Puget.
Capt. B. Maxwell, by the Earl of Errol, MiM Cainphell, by Lady VLzroY Somerset. Mr. T. K.11olmes, by Om Duke of Buckingham. Mr. Chas. Dundesdly the Ear:t of Abingdon. Mr. John Kid, by Admiral Sjr Robert °may. The lion, C- Graves, by the Han. MTS. Cuthbert. 'The Hon. Mrs. Bowles, by Countess Howe. The Hon.Mits flood, by her mother, Ludy Bridport. The Hon. MS'S. C. Law, by Dow.LadyEllenboraugli. The Hon. C. Foley, by the Countess of Sefton. The lion. Miss Arabella Petra, by Lady II. Petro. Mr. Henry Wells, by Sir Philip Sidney. The Ron. Mrs. Mundy, by Lady Caroline Wood. Mr. Edward Marjoribanks, by the Earl of Errol. Mrs. Staples, by the Countess of Culedon. The Wm. Fraser, by Lord Sultana.
Mr. Jones, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir Richard Jones. Mr. Gordon, by the Duke of Gordon. Mr. Birch. by Lord Say and Sole. Mr Robinson. Gentleman of his Majesty's blast Hon. Pricy Chamber, by the Earl of Belfast. Mr. Andrews, by Sir Henry Belford.
Mrs. N. J. bloom, by her sister, Mrs. Hobart. Mr. J. Boner., by the Lord Chamberlain,
Mr. Harms, Gentleman of his Majesty's Privy Chamber, by Earl Howe. Capt. Cary, by Lord J. O'Brien. Lord Enntsmore, by Lord Listowell. Lieut. G. Morris, bi Sir T. Hardy. Lady H. Durham, hy Dowager Ludy Morton. Capt. Thornbrough, I.N. by Lord J. O'Brien. Miss Strange, bylmly Strange. Lady Stephenson, by the Marchioness of Ely. Lady S. Lygon, by Lady Albemarle.
Miss C. Somerset, by Lady 11. Mitchell.
Lieut. M. Maxwell, by Sir J. Doyle. Miss Lloyd, by the Hon. Lady Nugent. Miss Georgiana Bathe, by her aunt, the Countess of Listowell. Miss ilme, by the Countess of Listowell. Moue. T mg,ueneff and Mons. Elustine, by the Russian Ambassador. Bliss Agar, by her mother. Misses Doncombe, by Lady Feversbam.