Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. At Florence, on the 23rd of March, the Lady of JOHN FREDERICK FALWASSER, Esq. of a sou. At Eastdale, in the county of York, the Lady of Roe Ear RAIKES, jun. of a son. On......
East India Shipping.
The Company's Ship London, which has anived from China, sailed on the 18th December, in company with the Reliance, and parted from her on the 4th January, clear of the Straits.......
The Army.
WAR-OrrtcE, March 12.-13th Regt. of Light Dragoons: Lieut. T. E. Well*, from the 26th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Neville, who exchanges-3rd Regt. of Foot Guards : Ens. and Lieut.......
The Universities.
OXFORD. APRIL 13.-This day being the first day of Easter Term, the following Gentle- men were admitted to degrees. Bachelor in Dirinity - Rev. J. Ball, Fellow of St. John's.......
The Money Market.
STOCK E N CHANGE, Fa IDAY EVENIKG.—IVe have again to report a week of vitt- lent fluctuations in the value of Stock ; owing partly t, the changes which hare occurred in the......
The Church.
On the 6th inst. the Lord Bishop of Peterborough instituted the Rev. R. Vevers, B. D. to the Rectory of Kettering, in the county of Northampton, vacant by the resignation of the......